Table Specifications
Table Height: 40″ from floor to top of table. (Sit down: 28″)
Table top: 36″x 26″
Elbow Pads: 7″x 7″, 2″ high vinyl covered dense foam set 2″ from the edge. They should overlap each other by 1/2 to the center.
Pin Pads: 10″x 2″, 4″ high vinyl covered dense foam angled 5″ out from the elbow pad and 2 3/4″ from the hand peg.
Hand Pegs: 1″ diameter, 6″ high placed 1″ from the edge at the midway point.
Reverse measurements for Left/Right.
Rules of Armwrestling
Although all follow a similar structure, different armwrestling leagues have different rules. You can find them below.
1.1. IFA Referee Panel
1.1.1. is responsible for the international educational program for referees, its implementation, as well as timely information about current changes in the rules.
1.1.2. is responsible to elect the Referee-in-Chief which will work with the Panel on the rules and collective decision making for any disciplinary action and rule enforcement. The Referee-in-Chief will represent the Panel in front of the Congress.
1.2. Tournament Head Referee
1.2.1. is responsible for an assignation of referees to IFA tournaments
1.2.2. is responsible for conducting a short briefing for the tournament referee before the competition
1.2.3. is responsible for supervision and assessment of referees during the competition
1.2.4. is responsible for proper applying of IFA rules during the competition
1.2.5. is responsible to handle protests during the competition
1.3. Tournament Referee
1.3.1. is responsible to wear proper IFA dress code for referees with below specifications: – referee t-shirt with 1 inch thick of black and white stripes
– referee level on the right hand sleeve
– black formal pants and black shoes
1.3.2. is responsible to know thoroughly IFA rules
1.3.3. is responsible to conduct themselves in an unbiased and professional manner (not to referee family members or partners if there is possibility to replace with other referee, to not coach anyone, to not cheer competitors in referee t-shirt, etc)
1.4. General referees’ rules
1.4.1. During the match, two referees are used: one referee at the table (the head referee of the match) and one assisting referee (second/downside referee) or technical/camera referee
1.4.2. The referee starting the match will be deemed Head referee of that particular match. Assistant referee will watch for elbow fouls at start of match and assist in ensuring a fair start. After the match has started, the two referees will watch each their side for fouls or a pin.
1.4.3. If there are video cameras on the table for tracking elbow fouls, only the Head Referee of the match is at the table, and the second referee (technical referee) monitors elbow fouls through the camera monitors.
1.4.4. A technical referee must be able to work on equipment for elbow cameras, do playbacks, etc.
1.4.5. Once a referee is set at a table, he/she cannot be removed, unless for lack of competence, sickness or unsolved dispute.
1.4.6. Assistant referee position at the table for better exposure of the matches:
– Assistant referee will not stand in front of the table area unless setting up the strap or the referee grip. They may stand aside from the table corner to the exterior.
– Before the match starts, assistant referee will not stand with his/her back to the public. – Before the match starts, assistant referee will show hand signs only under the pin pad level.
– The setup of the referee grip and strap match will be made with one hand from the sides of the table if possible.
– No match can start if the second referee is standing in front of the table area.
2.1. Rules of the Tournament
2.1.1. Athletes are obliged to show up at least 15 minutes before the start of their category for a check list verification. A category will be announced and a start list will be checked. Athletes who don’t show up at the verification will not be allowed to participate.
2.1.2. Athletes are called to the stage when it is their turn to compete. They will be accounted for as per draw sheet. Then the matches will begin. A specified area will be secured for the pullers whose class is being run. The officials will send these pullers to this specified area.
2.1.3. Athletes are not allowed to wear any type of wrist wraps, straps, elbow bandages/supports or cups, protective wraps, rings or bangles on the competing arm. An arm is defined as a portion of the body starting from the shoulder and continuing on and ending at the fingertips.
For religious reasons only a female competitor may have their arm covered. This covering must be made of a sheer material that cannot be so tight as to be considered as a tension bandage. Also it must be inspected by an appointed female to ensure there is nothing beneath the garment.
2.1.4. Individuals (unless authorized by the Head referee at a table) may not approach a table to within 20 feet. Strict penalty may be enforced.
2.1.5. Poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated and it could lead to a penalty and including being barred from the tournament.
2.1.6. No challenge matches allowed during or immediately preceding the competition. No disruption of scheduled proceedings allowed.
2.1.7. IFA tournaments can be refereed with a camera refereeing system instead an assistant referee. The following requirements have to be met:
– The two elbow pads must be different colors from each other.
– The size of the screen must be a minimum of 22” inches.
– The size of the pad displayed on the screen must be at least 5” inches.
– Recording equipment must have instant replay as well as recording.
– There must be two-way microphone communication between the technical referees and the starting referee at the table.
– The camera angles and display must be set up to the satisfaction of the Head Referee.
2.1.8. Video replay will be limited to protests only.
3.1. Double Elimination Seeding
3.1.1. IFA tournaments are double elimination. All contestants must lose twice. No specific seeding prior to championships. Contestants are placed on draw by randomized scoring system.
3.2. General Guidelines
3.2.1. Contestants for each weight class will be announced and they will come to the stage to verify the categories and the draw.
3.2.2. Once a contestant’s names are called, they will approach the table, shake hands with their opponent and then take a grip as instructed by the referee. Competitor has 60 seconds after his name has been announced to come to the table. Otherwise a loss will be called in this particular match.
3.2.3. Anyone with long hair will have to have their hair restrained properly as to not disturb the opponent or interfere with the referees. Headwear (including those for religious reasons) is allowed as long as this doesn’t interfere with the opponent or interfere with the referees during the match (hats with brim or bill are not allowed)
3.2.4. A referee will lightly touch competitor hands and wrists to see that they are properly aligned, wrists straight, thumb knuckle is visible and arm centered to the table top, failure to comply will result in the competitor getting warnings.
3.2.5. No breaks are allowed during a match, unless there is an equipment failure, draw sheet mistake or authorized by officials.
3.2.6. No competitor will be matched twice against the same opponent unless for place standing.
3.2.7. Athlete can only pin their opponent on their winning side of the table. A person cannot win or lose in the neutral zone.
3.2.8. A competitor may protest any call by the table referees. Protest procedure: The competitor has until the start of the next match to lodge their protest. The next match has begun when both competitors have arrived at the table. The competitor must inform their Team Captain and pay the protest fee for the Protest to commence. The Referee in Chief or their designate will write down the Protest and collect the protest fee. The protest will be decided based on the conversation with the table referees or/and video playback, if it’s available. The Referee in Chief or their designate will then discuss with the table referees if their call stands. If the table referees disagree on the call or they are not completely sure about their call, then the protest will be upheld and the match will be restarted with no fouls given. If the table referees stand by their call and no video is available then the protest will be denied. In case of reviewing a video playback:
Video playback must be conclusive for the protest to be upheld. If the video footage does not clearly show that the table referees made a mistake or missed the Protested call, then the call stands.
If a Protest concerns a foul and it is observed during the video playback then the foul will be issued to the offending party.
If any other infraction is observed during the video playback that doesn’t involve the Protest that infraction will be disregarded. If the Protest is upheld the competitor or their Team Captain will be reimbursed.
If the Protest is denied the money will be forfeited.
3.3. Setting up / Start of Match
3.3.1. The grip is palm to palm, grip at thumb, thumb knuckle must be visible. The grip should be at the center of the table. Free hand will grip the hand peg provided at the table edge. This arm may or may not touch the table top. Fingernails should be trimmed so as not to injure your opponent. Stickum/ rosin/ chalk are permitted.
3.3.2. Back pressure to the extent that it pulls your opponent’s arm across the marked center of the table will not be allowed. Referee will instruct the athlete to release the back pressure to centralize the grip or a warning will be given for delaying the fair setup.
3.3.3. Shoulders must be square. Difference in heights for left and right shoulder is allowed.
3.3.4. There should be at least 1 fist size between hand and chin, shoulder, chest before the “Ready?..Go!”.
3.3.5. The signal to start a match given by the Head Referee is “Ready?…Go!” Athletes are only allowed to start on “GO” and only stop the match when referee give verbal “STOP” and hold the competitors hand. Referee will then show signal either foul or winner to the athlete.
3.3.6. A pin is when any part of the natural wrist line to fingertips touches or goes below the touch pad.
3.3.7. Competitor’s legs can be wrapped around the table leg or braced against an opposite table leg prior to the start of the match, providing they are not interfering with their opponent. Feet can be off the ground during competition and legs can be moved in any fashion as long as they don’t interfere with their opponent. At least 1 leg must touch the ground before the “GO”.
3.3.8. In case of injury during competition, the competitor’s name will still continue in the double elimination system until he/she has fulfilled the two loss commitment. The match that the competitor was injured will be regarded as a loss.
3.3.9. There is no time limit during a match.
3.3.10. Competitors can start a match in strap or in referee’s grip or referee’s grip in strap if both athletes agree to do so.
4.1. Each competitor should know the following words
Don’t move
Losing position
Ready Go
Referee Grip
Slip out
Strap match
5.1. Any movement of arm during or after “Ready” before “GO” will results in False Start which equal to 1 warning.
5.2. If competitor causing delay for setup either in grip, backpressure, covering thumb knuckles, wrist, knifing and arm-center, after 3rd notification by referee, he/she will get a warning.
5.3. Losing contact with the peg will result in a warning without stopping the match. Referee will look to the competitor and call one warning and show proper hand signal. If letting go of the peg results in gaining an advantage for the athlete or remains off for more than 2 seconds, then the referee will stop the match and give the foul to the athlete. If the athlete already carry 1 warning earlier, then letting go of the peg will results in a STOP and a foul for 2 warning.
Note: Two warnings equal to a foul and two fouls equal to a loss.
6.1. Fouls
6.1.1. Elbow Fouls
A foul will be given when a competitor’s elbow loses contact with the elbow pad. A competitor is considered to lose contact with the pad when:
– The elbow lifts vertically of the pad with clear spacing between elbow tip and the pad. It is not considered an elbow foul if the competitor is maintaining the elbow tip above the pad and his triceps or forearm is touching the elbow pad. An elbow foul will be called if the competitor is riding on their triceps or forearms and the elbow extends beyond any side of the elbow pad,
– Competitor’s elbow slips off from any side the elbow pad surface.
6.1.2. Intentional Slip Out
The foul for an intentional slip out will be called when one of the competitors caused the slip out.
The foul will be called when:
– a competitor lifts his fingers off his opponent’s hand prior to a slippage;
– a competitor closes his fingers as to make a fist inside his opponent’s hand; – a competitor is in a flip wrist position and he pulls his fingers inside his opponents hand, therefore he is unable to hold his grip.
6.1.3. Dangerous position
When a competitor puts themself in a dangerous position, the referee will caution them loudly with a command ‘shoulder’. If the competitor does not correct their position within 2 seconds or correct their position but then goes back to the dangerous position again, the match will be stopped and a foul for dangerous position will be given.
Two dangerous positions are distinguished:
– A competitor does not keep their arm and shoulder in a straight line and turning their head and shoulder in an opposite direction,
– A competitor who drops his shoulder below the level of the elbow pad on his losing side.
6.1.4. Competitor’s shoulder must not cross the centerline between pegs during competition. This will be a foul.
6.1.5. Competitor hand cannot touch any part of their body such as chin, shoulder or head. A foul will be given.
6.1.6. Intentionally making the opponent get a foul will result in the offender getting the foul. Example: pushing your opponent’s elbow off the pad using a forward motion.
6.1.7. Any movement during a referee grip will result in a foul.
6.1.8. A competitor cannot compete with a straight arm in any position. This is considered a non-armwrestling move. This will result in immediate stoppage and a FOUL issued.
6.1.9 Foul language, poor sportsmanship or abuse towards an official will result in a foul. If it continues, competitor or official will be barred from the tournament.
6.1.10. Any foul given when competitor’s hand is in a losing position is a loss. A losing position is defined as 2” above the pin pad on the losing side of the table. This is equal to the height of the hand pegs.
6.1.11. Any foul that occurs simultaneously between both competitors are considered as coincidental foul, the match will be stopped and restarted without any foul given to both athletes.
6.1.12. 30 second rest is permitted after a foul.
7.1. Referee’s Grip
7.2.1. Competitors have 30 seconds to “Grip Up”. If in that time, they have not gripped up, they will be given a referee’s grip. Competitors also have the right to ask for referee grip providing that both athletes agree to do so. No movement is allowed during referee grip. Any movement after command “Don’t Move” and before “Ready Go” will result in a warning, and any movement after a referee says “Ready” and before “Go” will result in a foul.
7.1.1. A referee’s grip consists of the following procedure:
1)Referee will ask competitors if they want their thumbs to be closed up or down with showing both types of grips to assure proper understanding.
2) Referee will set open palms on the center of the table and call “don’t move”
3) Second referee will assist head referee by holding competitors wrists to feel any possible movement
4) Head referee will set shoulders square for both competitors and call “don’t move”
5) Head referee will start setting grip by announcing which competitor will be closed first. Referee closes fingers and thumbs with the manner competitors asked for, while ensuring both competitors have their wrist straight.
6) Once the first hand is closed the second referee will return to their designated position for starting a match.
7) After second hand is closed head referee start a match with a command “Ready?… Go”
8.1. Straps
8.1.1. Straps will be used when a clean slip out occur (non-intentional slip). If the referee is not certain if the slip is clean or intentional, proceed with strap match. Referee must see the intentional slip to award the competitor with foul.
Straps can be used also when competitors ask for it.
8.1.2. Strap match procedure:
1) Referee will ask competitors to put their elbows down on the elbow pads and open their hands. Referee may ask competitors to move their elbows in order to properly apply the strap.
2) Referee will set competitor’s hands on the same level, palm to palm, without unnecessary gap between thumbs.
3) Second referee will assist the head referee in maintaining the proper hand position by holding both hands during applying straps. They will hold the strap in place to keep the strap from slipping.
4) Head referee will apply straps starting from the competitor’s hand on his side of the table.
5) Referee will ask competitors if they want straps applied UP or DOWN
(UP means the strap will be applied on the wrist line, and DOWN means not more than 1 inch from the wrist line).
6) Referee will make sure that the strap remains tight as they wrap the wrists.
7) After going around the second wrist the end of the strap will be then be fed below the wrist and above strap between the wrists.
8) Referee will tighten the strap to their own discretion. Competitors may ask to tighten or loosen the strap. If both competitors agree, then the referee will apply necessary changes in the strap if necessary. When tightening the strap it must be pulled in the direction away from the knuckles.
9) Once the strap is applied, competitors are allowed to take their grip.
Section 9. Hand Signals
– Winner – Hand pointing in the air to the left or right side to signify the winner – Warning – Finger pointing at one competitor – Warning.
– 2nd Warning – 2 Fingers pointing at competitor
– 1 Foul – Hand (with 1 finger out) pointing at the ground on the side of the offender.
– 2nd Foul – Hand (with 2 fingers out) pointing at the ground on the side of the offender.
– Elbow Foul – Tapping elbow and pointing at the ground on the side of the offender. – Wrist bent – flexion – Downside Ref with arm and hand straight.
– Wrist bent – pronation/supination – Downside Ref with arm straight and rotating hand
– Foul – Losing position – Show the sign for the foul. Then make a side to side motion with hand over the pin pad, then signify the winner.
– Shoulder Foul – across centre – Tap shoulder and signify centre. Then point at the offender and motion for the foul.
– Shoulder Foul – Touching – Tap shoulder. Then point at the offender and motion for the foul.
– Straps – arms straight in front with fist closed and thumbs up.
– Referee Grip – Hands clenched together overhead
– Intentional Slip-Out – Put your fingers of one hand inside the grip of your other hand and pull them out. Then point at the offender and motion for the foul.
– Dangerous position – Break-Arm -Referee will put themselves in Break-arm position. Then point at the offender and motion for the foul.
– Dangerous position – Hyper Extension – Referee will put themselves in hyper-extension position. Then point at the offender and motion for the foul.
SECTION 10. Glossary of Terms
Back Pressure – Pressure which when applied pulls the grip to one side of the table.
Elbow – For calling and elbow foul it is the centre point of the elbow joint. For persons with no visible point it will be the centre of the elbow.
Elbow Pad – A 7’ x 7” dense foam pad where the elbow must have contact at all times. End of the Table – That part of the table where the referees stand which is 26” long. False Start – Starting before the Referee says Go.
Head Referee – The referee that starts the match.
Intentional Slip-out – When one competitor cause the grip to come apart.
Losing Position – That area on the losing side of the table from 2” above the pin pads to the pin pads. This is equal to the height of the hand pegs.
Losing Side – That area of the match from the centre of the table to the pin pad. In a right hand match it will be on the right side of the table.
Neutral Zone – A neutral zone is an area within the elbow pads. From the front corners of the elbow pads to the front corners of the opponent’s elbow pads but below the level of the pin pads.
Pin – When the wrist or fingers go below the level of the pin pads on the winning side of the table. Pin Pad – A 2” wide by 10” long x 4” high pad that determines a win.
Protest – An act that allows a competitor to appeal the decision of the referees.
Referee Grip – When the competitors can’t get a grip in 30 seconds and the Referee will close the hands.
Referee-in-Chief – The Referee that oversees the referees at the competition. Side of the table – That part of the table where the armwrestlers stand which is 36” long
Straight Wrist – Wrist must be parallel to the end of the table. Straight is defined as not having any flexion, extension, pronation or supination. A wrist may have adduction (radial deviation) or abduction (ulnar deviation).
Strap – A piece of material 1” (2.5cm) wide and approx 40” (100cm) long with a plastic buckle that is used to hold the competitor’s hand together when a slip-out occurs and no foul is issued.
Winning Position – That area on the winning side of the table from 2” above the pin pads to the pin pads. This is equal to the height of the hand pegs.
Winning Side – That area of the match from the centre of the table to the pin pad. In a right hand match it will be on the left side of the table.
Pro Mens “King of the Table” – Event Overall Champion2019 WORLD ARMWRESTLING LEAGUE RULES
2019 will mark the inauguration of the WAL Supermatch Series pitting the best in the world against each other to determine who is the best of the best. The following apply to both men and women’s competitors.
Competitors must be at least 18 years old to compete at WAL events.
WAL events are open only to citizens from all countries pending invitation from WAL to compete in the Elite Super Match series.
WAL local events will include Amateurs and go by the same rules as the professionals in most cases.
Weights and Weigh-Ins
1. Competitors can only weigh-in during posted times.
2. There is NO clothing allowance
3. There is no weight allowance for pregnancy
4. A competitor who doesn’t make weight will not be able ot compete in the scheduled match and will forfeit and payments due for that event. Without prejudice, any competitor with an artificial limb must weigh in with the limb on.
5. Any individual(s) attempting to alter weight by not following proper weigh-in procedure will be disqualified from the event.
Competition – General
1. Supermatches are best-of-5 format
2. Competitors have 60 seconds to report to the table when called or will forfeit that match.
3. Competitors will then have 60 seconds to negotiate a grip with their opponent. If after 60 seconds if no grip is established the match will go to the straps.
4. Competitors will flip a coin to determine who selects the side for the first pull. Competitors will switch sides of the table after each pull.
5. After each pull Competitors will go to their corners where they will have 1 minute to rest and confer with their trainers before they return to the table for the next pull.
6. Nothing shall be worn on either arm on the hand, wrist or arm on the elbow or below during competition, nor any substance applied to the hand or wrist, except chalk. Any violation can be grounds for disqualification.
7 In the event of a bleeding injury, a competitor MUST stop the bleeding to the referee’s satisfaction. Use of a Band-Aid or a piece of tape the size of a Band-Aid on the wound is allowed.
8. Any competitor exhibiting impairment due to alcohol, drugs or otherwise, may be disqualified from competition.
9. In the case of any equipment failure the referee has the authority to stop the match at any time. The match will be re-started with all fouls the occurred prior to the stop remaining in place for the restart.
10. During any discrepancy, video review and/or match stoppage both competitors are to report to their specific corners and wait for the referee to calls them back to the table, once the discrepancy and action is decided by the head referee. Any infraction of this rule can lead to a disqualification.
11. Any competitor who leaves the competition area (platform and surrounding corners), either during the match or in the event of a rule discrepancy prior to any referees decision, will be immediately disqualified from that match and forfeit any appearance fee or bonus monies for that match.
The Grip
1. Competitors must keep one foot in contact with the floor at all times.
2. Competitors must keep non-pulling hand in contact with the peg.
3. Competitors must follow all commands of the referee during the set.
4. Competitors must set their competing elbow on the elbow pad, square their shoulders, and present an open hand.
5. The angle of the competing arm must result in the fingers pointing at their opponent.
6. The referee will center the hands on the table. The webbing between the thumb and index finger of the hand of each competitor will be level, close and tightly set.
7. Competitors’ hands must be palm-to-palm, flat together and with no separation, to the satisfaction of the referee. Referee Must be able to see competitors thumb knuckles.
8. The referee will hold the competitor’s fingers while he gives the command “Close your thumbs.”
9. The referee will command the competitors to “Close your hands”
10. Competitor’s must keep their wrist straight when closing their thumbs and hands.
11. The referee will give the command ”GO” to start the match.
SLIP – When the hands separate completely during the match
A slip deemed intentional by the referee will be considered a FOUL.
A competitor receiving any 3 fouls will result in a LOSS OF A MATCH
All of the below result in a foul:
1. When closing your hand, you cover your opponent’s thumb knuckle.
2. After the command “Close your hands” and prior to “GO,” any movement of the hand/wrist/arm, including a False Start.
3. Touching any part of their body such as chin, shoulder or head to the competing hands.
4. The elbow losing contact with the top of elbow pad at any time during the match.
5. If one foot is not in contact with the floor during the match.
6. If a competitor attempts to delay a match by not staying at the table.
7. Poor sportsmanship may result in a foul. If the conduct continues it can result in removal from the event and/or forfeit of any placements and awards.
8. Losing contact with the peg with non-competing hand.
9. Intentionally moving your opponent off center after “Close your Hands” – example: Back Pressure.
10. Competitors cannot drop the competing shoulder below the level of the elbow pad when in a neutral or losing position.
11. An intentional slip in a losing position will be deemed a FOUL.
The referee will enforce the above rules to ensure the most fair and sporting match.
Any simultaneous fouls by both competitors will result in Stop/Restart with NO fouls.
WARNINGS – THERE ARE NO WARNINGS. (i.e. for false starts or any of the above fouls)
1. Competitors must touch to the pin pad any portion of the wrist to fingertips of their
opponent for a win.
2. A parallel pin will occur when any portion of their opponent’s wrist to fingertips breaks
the pin line
1. Best-out-of-three matches with up to a 60-second rest between pulls.
2. The competitors have 60 seconds to negotiate a grip, then the “Set grip” will be used.
1. Fouls will be announced during the match, but DO NOT STOP ARM WRESTLING.
2. If competitor “A” commits a foul then competitor “A” pins their opponent it will result in a stop/restart with the foul rolling over to the next pull.
3. If competitor “A” commits a foul then competitor “A” commits another foul, they continue to accumulate until 3 fouls/loss.
4. If competitor “A” commits a foul then competitor “B” commits a foul the match stops/restarts and only competitor “A’s” foul rolls to the next pull.
5. If competitor “A” commits a foul then competitor “B” pins their opponent it will result in a Win for “B.”
6. Once any foul is called, that competitor must correct the foul immediately or they will continue to accrue fouls.
1. Introduction
The World Armwrestling League (“WAL”) has developed this Anti-Doping Program (the “Program”) to protect the integrity that is inherent in the sport of armwrestling and to ensure the health and safety of all WAL Competitors (“Competitors”). The use of performance enhancing substances is contrary to the spirit of fair competition that has always been a valued tradition in armwrestling. The WAL is committed to educating Competitors on the dangers associated with performance enhancing substances. The Program will be administered by the office of the WAL Commissioner, with the assistance of external legal, medical, and scientific experts.
2. Program Application
By virtue of competing in any WAL event, and signing a WAL contract, all Competitors agree to comply with and be bound by the terms of the Program.
All Competitors shall be prohibited from using, possessing, selling, facilitating the sale of, distributing or facilitating the distribution of any Performance Enhancing Substance (“Prohibited Substances”)
3. Performance Enhancing Substances
Any and all anabolic androgenic steroids covered by Schedule III of the Code of Federal Regulations’ Schedule of Controlled Substances (“Schedule III”), as amended from time to time, and the categories of hormones and agents with antiestrogenic activity that are set forth in Nos.67 – 74 below, shall be considered Performance Enhancing Substances (“Prohibited Substances”) covered by the Program. Anabolic androgenic steroids, hormones, and agents with antiestrogenic activity, that may not be lawfully obtained or used in the United States (including, for example, “designer steroids” and peptide hormones) also shall be considered Prohibited Substances irrespective of whether they are covered by Schedule III. The following is a non-exhaustive list of substances that shall be considered Prohibited Substances covered by the:
1. Androstadienedione
2. Androstanediol
3. Androstanedione
4. Androstatrienedione (ATD)
5. Androstenediol
6. Androstenedione
7. Androst-2-en-17-one (2-Androstenone, Delta-2)
8. Androstenetrione (6-OXO)
9. Bolandiol
10. Bolasterone
11. Boldenone
12. Boldione
13. Calusterone
14. Clenbuterol
15. Clostebol
16. Danazol
17. Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone
18. Desoxy-methyltestosterone
19. 1-dihydrotestosterone
20. 4-dihydrotestosterone
21. Drostanolone
22. Epi-dihydrotestosterone
23. Epitestosterone
24. Ethylestrenol
25. Fluoxymesterone
26. Formebolone
27. Furazabol
28. 13a-ethyl-17a-hydroxygon-4-en-3-one
29. Gestrinone
30. 4-hydroxytestosterone
31. 4-hydroxy-19-nortestosterone
32. Mestanolone
33. Mesterolone
34. Methandienone
35. Methandriol
36. Methasterone (Superdrol)
37. Methenolone
38. Methyldienolone
39. Methylnortestosterone
40. Methylstenbolone (Ultradrol, M-Sten)
41. Methyltestosterone
42. Methyltrienolone (Metribolone)
43. Mibolerone
44. 17a-methyl-Δ1-dihydrotestosterone
45. Nandrolone
46. Norandrostenediol
47. Norandrostenedione
48. Norbolethone
49. Norclostebol
50. Norethandrolone
51. Oxabolone
52. Oxandrolone
53. Oxymesterone
54. Oxymetholone
55. Prostanozol
56. Quinbolone
57. Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs)
58. Stanozolol
59. Stenbolone
60. Testosterone
61. Tetrahydrogestrinone
62. Tibolone
63. Trenbolone
64. Zeranol
65. Zilpaterol
66. Any salt, ester or ether of a drug or substance listed above
67. Human Growth Hormone (hGH), Secretagogues and Peptides, including Ibutamoren, Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRP), Hexarelin, Ipamorelin,Alexamorelin, and CJC-1295
68. Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1), including all isomers of IGF-1 sometimes referred to as Mechano Growth Factors
69. Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
70. Aromatase Inhibitors, including Anastrozole, Letrozole, Aminoglutethimide, Exemestane, Formestane, and Testolactone
71. Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators, including Raloxifen, Tamoxifen, and Toremifen
72. Other Anti-estrogens, including Clomiphene, Cyclofenil, and Fulvestrant
73. Metabolic Modulators, including Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor δ (PPARδ) agonists, including GW 1516, GW 0742, and AICAR
74. Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents, including Erythropoietin (EPO)
4. Therapeutic Use Exceptions
1. A Competitor authorized to ingest a Prohibited Substance through a valid, medically appropriate prescription provided by a duly licensed physician shall receive a Therapeutic Use Exemption (“TUE”). To be “medically appropriate,” the Competitor must have a documented medical need under the standards accepted in the United States or Canada for the prescription in the prescribed dosage. A specimen which is found to contain a Prohibited Substance will not be deemed a positive test result if such specimen was provided by a Competitor with an effective TUE for that Prohibited Substance. A Competitor with a TUE for a Prohibited Substance does not violate the Program by possessing or using that substance.
Application (including all requested medical information) for a TUE shall be made at least thirty (30) days prior to participation in a officially sanctioned WAL event for which the TUE is sought. The application will be considered by the WAL Commissioner in consultation with WAL’s medical advisor (a medical doctor retained by WAL) and additional specialists (as appropriate) designated by the WAL’s medical advisor.
TUE applications submitted less than thirty (30) days prior to an event (retroactive TUE applications) may be submitted in emergency circumstances.
A Competitor whose TUE application is denied by the WAL Commissioner may appeal the denial by submitting a written appeal to the Commissioner’s Office within fourteen (14) days of the date of notification of the denial. In considering the appeal, the Commissioner may consult with the WAL medical advisor and additional medical or scientific advisors of his choosing, and may require the Competitor to submit additional information. Within fourteen (14) days of receiving the TUE appeal, the Commissioner or his designee will advise the Competitor of his decision either confirming the denial of the TUE or granting the TUE. The Commissioner’s decision following a TUE appeal shall be final.
Prior to a TUE being granted, a Competitor who uses a substance on the Prohibited Substances list set forth herein, does so at his or her own risk of a TUE denial, potentially resulting in a violation under the Program.
5. Reasonable Cause Testing
In the event that the WAL has information that gives it reasonable cause to believe that a Competitor has engaged in the use, possession, sale or distribution of a Prohibited Substance during competition in a WAL event or events, the WAL Commissioner shall provide the Competitor, either orally or in writing, with a description of its information (“Reasonable Cause Notification”), and the Competitor will be subject to an immediate urine collection, or such other program of testing, as determined by the Commissioner after consultation with the WAL’s medical advisor, to commence no later than 48 hours after the Reasonable Cause Notification was provided.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Competitor receiving Reasonable Cause Notification disputes the existence of reasonable cause, that Competitor shall have the right to commence a proceeding within 48 hours after receipt of the Reasonable Cause Notification before the a Panel designated by the WAL consisting of the WAL’s medical advisor and two other anti-doping specialists (the “Panel”). The Panel will determine by majority vote whether reasonable cause exists to subject the Competitor to testing. No reasonable cause testing of the Competitor will occur until the completion of the proceeding before the Panel. The proceeding before the Panel may be conducted by conference call, at the request of either WAL or the Competitor, and shall be completed within 48 hours from the time the Panel starts hearing the appeal. The Panel shall issue its decision within 24 hours of the completion of the proceeding, and if the Panel finds that reasonable cause exists, the testing or testing program shall commence within 48 hours of the Panel issuing its written decision to Competitor. There shall be no testing if the Panel determines no reasonable cause exists.
6. Sample Collection and Analysis
The National Center for Drug Free Sport as authorized by WAL, may collect a urine sample from any Competitor covered by the Program as soon as possible after reasonable cause is determined to exist by the Commissioner, or by the Panel as described above. The WAL has the right to require that all Competitors provide their whereabouts to permit testing. At this time, the Program will involve only the collection of urine samples. Blood sampling may or may not be added at a later date. Once collected, all samples become the property of the WAL.
For purposes of violations of the Program, samples shall be analyzed only in an accredited laboratory which will adhere to the International Standard for Laboratories, insuring chain of custody is maintained at all times. The choice of the accredited laboratory used for sample analysis shall be determined exclusively by the WAL.
Samples shall be analyzed to detect Prohibited Substances on the WAL Prohibited List. No sample may be used for any other purpose without the Competitor’s written consent.
Laboratories shall analyze samples and report results in conformance with International
Standard for Laboratories.
7. Results Management
Upon receipt of a laboratory report showing no violation under the Program, the WAL will promptly notify the Competitor of the result in writing.
Upon receipt of a laboratory report indicating an A sample Adverse Analytical Finding (see Definitions – Exhibit A), the WAL’s medical advisor will conduct an expedited review to determine whether an applicable TUE has been granted or whether there is any apparent departure from the International Standard for Testing or International Standard for Laboratories that could reasonably have caused the Adverse Analytical Finding. If that review does not reveal an applicable TUE or departure, the WAL medical advisor shall promptly notify the Competitor of the Adverse Analytical Finding and the date on which the laboratory will conduct the B sample analysis. Analysis of the B sample may be delayed, at the WAL medical advisor’s discretion, if the Competitor promptly submits a retroactive TUE application. The Competitor may attend the B sample analysis accompanied by a representative, or may have a representative appear on his or her behalf at the Competitor’s expense. The Competitor may also waive analysis of the B sample. The Competitor must notify the WAL Commissioner within two (2) business days whether he or she will attend the “B” sample analysis. Upon receipt of the laboratory’s B sample analytical report, the WAL medical advisor shall promptly notify the Competitor of the result in writing. If the B sample analysis confirms the A sample is an Adverse Analytical Finding, the WAL medical adviser shall provide the Competitor the applicable laboratory documentation.
Upon receipt of a laboratory report indicating an Atypical Finding (see Definitions – Exhibit A), the WAL medical advisor shall conduct any follow-up investigation which may be appropriate.
At such time as the WAL medical advisor determines that a Competitor may have committed an Prohibited Substance use rule violation, the Competitor shall be notified of the potential violation. The Competitor shall have seven (7) calendar days from such notice to provide a written explanation, including any mitigating or extenuating circumstances, to the WAL medical advisor. The Commissioner, in consultation with the WAL medical adviser, shall consider any information submitted by the Competitor and shall then decide whether to go forward with an anti-doping use rule violation against the Competitor. If the Commissioner’s decision is to go forward with an anti-doping use rule violation, the Competitor shall be notified of the sanction which will be imposed. That sanction will be imposed within seven (7) calendar days after notification to the Competitor. The Commissioner’s decision concerning any sanction shall be final and not subject to any further challenge or appeal by a Competitor or any other third party.
8. Provisional Suspension
The WAL Commissioner may impose a Provisional Suspension on a Competitor at any time after the WAL has received an A sample Adverse Analytical Finding or after the Commissioner, in consultation with the WAL medical advisor has decided that an anti-doping use rule violation has been committed and has so notified the Competitor as provided in Section 7 above. A Competitor may also voluntarily accept a Provisional Suspension. All periods of Provisional Suspension, whether voluntarily accepted or imposed by the Commissioner, shall count against any period of Ineligibility (see Definitions – Exhibit A), ultimately imposed by any sanction.
If a Competitor is not Provisionally Suspended after notice provided in Section 7 and the Competitor chooses to continue participating in any tournaments pending the resolution of the case, then any prize money won by the Competitor may be held in escrow pending the outcome of the case.
9. Sanctions
A Competitor who tests positive for Prohibited Substances use will be subject to any of the Sanctions below which may include:
(1) Disqualification, from a WAL event or events, including any prize money from the date the anti-doping use rule violation was found to occur forward.
(2) Ineligibility to participate in WAL competition events or other WAL activities, appearances, promotions and all WAL media broadcasts and or other WAL media platforms pursuant to the following:
(a) The applicable period of Ineligibility for a first anti-doping use violation under the Program, shall be up to six (6) months Ineligibility except in cases involving Trafficking, administration, or Aggravating Circumstances, where the sanction may be up to permanent Ineligibility.
(b) The applicable period of Ineligibility for a second anti-doping use violation under the Program, shall be up to one (1) year Ineligibility except in cases involving Trafficking, administration, or Aggravating Circumstances, where the sanction may be up to permanent Ineligibility.
(c) The applicable period of Ineligibility for a third anti-doping use violation under the Program, shall be up to a permanent ban.
(3) A Competitor committing an anti-doping violation under the Program may also be subject to the imposition of a fine in an amount up to $2,500.00.
(4) In applying these sanctions in a particular case, the WAL Commissioner and the WAL medical advisor may use and consult the International Anti-Doping Standards for guidance.
The decision of the Commissioner shall be final as to the determination of any sanction or sanctions set forth above. In rendering a decision in a particular case, the Commissioner may in his sole discretion depart from the sanction guidance in the International Anti-Doping Standard (see Definitions – Exhibit A), as he deems appropriate in a particular case.
10. Confidentiality and Reporting
The WAL Commissioner will not publicly disclose the identity of a Competitor whose sample has resulted in an Adverse Analytical Finding or who has been alleged to have committed an anti-doping rule use violation until after the process described in Sections 5, 6 and 7 have been completed. In each case where a period of Ineligibility has been imposed or a Competitor has been disqualified and or event results vacated, the WAL Commissioner may, at a minimum, publish the name of the Competitor, the fact that the Competitor committed an anti-doping rule use violation, and the sanction imposed.
11. Release
As a condition of membership or participation in WAL competition events and or other WAL activities, of any kind, each Competitor hereby releases the WAL, the Commissioner, WAL medical adviser, and each director, consultant, officer, member, employee, agent or representative of any of the foregoing, jointly and severally, individually and in their official capacity, of and from any and all claims, demands, damages and causes of action whatsoever, in law or equity, arising out of or in connection with any decision, act or omission arising under the Program.
12. No Judicial Review
As a condition of membership and the opportunity to participate in WAL competition events or other WAL activities, of any kind, each Competitor expressly waives the right to seek judicial review of any interim or final decisions, acts or omissions arising under the Program.
Adverse Analytical Finding: A report from a laboratory or other Approved Laboratory that, consistent with the International Standard for Laboratories and Technical Documents, identifies in a sample the presence of a WAL Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers.
Atypical Finding: A report from a laboratory or other WAL-approved entity which requires further investigation as provided by the International Standard for Laboratories or related Technical Documents prior to the determination of an Adverse Analytical Finding.
Ineligibility: No Competitor who has been declared Ineligible may, during the period of Ineligibility, participate in any capacity in any event or other activity of WAL.
International Anti-Doping Standard: A standard adopted by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in support of the World Anti-Doping Code.
General Overview:
The World Armwrestling League (WAL) believes that any person competing or working in the WAL must conduct themselves in a manner which is consistent with commonly acceptable standards of decency, honesty, social conventions and morals. The purpose of the WAL Personal Conduct Policy (hereinafter the “WAL PCP”) is to identify conduct and circumstances which are detrimental to the integrity of, or public confidence in, the WAL. Any such conduct may be subject to discipline as determined by the Commissioner of the WAL in his sole discretion. The WAL is committed to promoting and encouraging lawful conduct by all persons associated with the WAL.
Persons Subject to the WAL PCP:
The following persons (“Covered Persons”) shall be subject to the WAL PCP:
(i) all competitors who enter and compete in any officially sanctioned WAL event or event or contest;
(ii) any officials working for WAL;
(iii) all WAL employees, consultants and advisors; and
(iv) all persons who have an ownership interest in WAL.
Prohibited conduct
It will be considered conduct detrimental for Covered Persons to engage in (or to aid, abet or conspire to engage in or to incite) violent and/or criminal activity. Examples of such “Prohibited Conduct” include, without limitation: any crime involving the use or threat of physical violence to a person or persons; the use of a deadly weapon in the commission of a crime; possession or distribution of a weapon in violation of state or federal law; involvement in “hate crimes” or crimes of domestic violence or domestic abuse; theft, larceny or other property crimes; sex offenses; racketeering; money laundering; the possession, sale or distribution of illegal narcotics/controlled substances; obstruction of justice; resisting arrest; fraud or any violent or threatening conduct. Additionally, Covered Persons shall not by their words or conduct suggest that criminal activity is acceptable or condoned within the WAL.
Imposition of Discipline
Any Covered Person arrested, charged, convicted of, or admitting to a criminal violation (including a plea to a lesser included offense; a plea of nolo contendere or no contest; or the acceptance of a diversionary program, deferred adjudication, disposition of supervision, or similar arrangement), or any Covered Person who has, or is engaged in Prohibited Conduct, will be subject to discipline as determined by the WAL Commissioner in his sole and absolute discretion. Such discipline may include a fine, suspension from competing in WAL events, a forfeiture of prize money and/or banishment from the WAL. Any Covered Person convicted of or admitting to a second criminal violation will be suspended or banished from the WAL for a period of time to be determined by the WAL Commissioner in his sole and absolute discretion.
Persons engaged in violent activity in the workplace or at any WAL Event
Every person is entitled to a safe and professional competition venue and workplace free of criminal behavior, violence and threats against personal safety. Criminal conduct or Prohibited Conduct at any WAL competition venue or in the workplace against other persons associated with WAL is prohibited. Any Covered Person who commits or threatens violent acts against co-workers, competitors or fans, regardless of whether an arrest is made or criminal charges are brought, shall be subject to an investigation and discipline as determined by the WAL Commissioner in his sole and absolute discretion.
Duty to report prohibited conduct
To ensure the effective administration of the WAL PCP, the WAL must be advised when a Covered Person engages in Prohibited Conduct. The obligation to report Prohibited Conduct, an arrest or criminal charges extends to both the person involved and to all other Covered Persons..
Appeal rights
Any person disciplined under the WAL PCP shall have a right to request an appeal within seven (7) days following the imposition of discipline, including a hearing, before the WAL Commissioner or his designee. Except for the enforcement of a suspension, no other requirements set forth in this WAL PCP will be stayed pending the completion of the appeal. The decision of the WAL Commissioner or his designee after an appeal hearing shall be final and covered persons waive the right to seek judicial review of any such final decision.
Comeptitors leaving competition area:
Any competitor who leaves the competition area (platform and surrounding corners), either during the match or in the event of a rule discrepancy prior to any referees decision, will be immediately disqualified from that match and forfeit any appearance fee or bonus monies for that match.
Section 1. Description of the competition format.
1.1. Professional URPA tournament – a classic double-elimination tournament is the main format of the competition for earning URPA rating points by the athlete.
1.2. Rating points are awarded in accordance with the place occupied by the athlete in the tournament as follows:
1 10
2 7
3 5
4 4
5 3
6 2
7 1
1.3. URPA tournaments are double elimination. Competition will use WAF rules and regulation as guideline. All contestants must lose twice. No seeding prior to championships. Contestants are placed on draw sheet by luck of the draw.
1.4. Along with certified athletes, at the discretion of the organizers, athletes who do not have URPA certificates can also take part in the tournament after signing a certain set of documents, disclaimer for any accidents during the competition as well as the waiver of rights to photographs and video materials. The results of uncertified athletes are being submitted in the electronic MSMS (Mazurenko Scoring Management System), but not included into URPA.
1.5. The results of the URPA certified profesional tournament are to be submitted in the URPA system only if URPA standards are met.
1.6. Protocols of the URPA professional tournament are conducted by a certified Secretary only in the electronic program – MSMS (Mazurenko Scoring Management System).
Section 2. Technical Rules.
2.1. – Weight Classes
1 63 kg under 139 lbs Lightweight
2 70 kg 140 – 155 lbs Welterweight
3 78 kg 156 – 172 lbs Middleweight
4 86 kg 173 – 190 lbs Light heavy weight
5 95 kg 191 – 210 lbs Middle Heavy weight
6 105 kg 210 – 231 lbs Heavy weight
7 105 + kg 231 + lbs Superheavyweight
1 52 kg under 114 lbs Lightweight
2 57 kg 114 – 125 lbs Welterweight
3 65 kg 125 – 143 lbs Middleweight
4 75 kg 143 – 165 lbs Heavy weight
5 75 + kg 165 + lbs Superheavyweight
2.2. Weigh-ins
There is no clothing allowance, therefore weigh-ins will be done in the nude if an athlete wishes to qualify for a certain weight class. (Weight has to register to zero, i.e.: if 70kg class it will have to zero to 70.0kg).
2.2.1. There will be no dispute regarding procedure during weigh-ins. Weigh-ins will follow registration roster by numerical order, i.e.: first athlete to register with Tournament Secretary, will be the first athlete weighed and so on. Tournament organizers will have the right to disallow entry to any athlete not meeting their requirements or who creates disorder.
2.2.2. All weigh-ins to be done on PAL approved scales. Weigh-in will be done no sooner that 24 to 30 hours before the first day of competition start time.
2.2.3. More than one official weigh-in scale may be used.
2.2.4. The Tournament Secretary of weigh-ins is the final authority on all weigh-in procedures. 2.2.5. A competitor may weigh-in to their normal weight or jump one weight class higher.
2.3. Age groups (same for both Men and Women).
Please note: Age will be determined by calendar year.
2.3.1. In URPA rating tournaments only athletes who have reached the age of majority are allowed to participate in the Tournament. If so required by Secretary, proof of age will have to be given by producing a bona fide passport or medical certificate.
If so required by Secretary, proof of gender may be required under qualified medical supervision by physicians appointed by Organizer.
2.4. Equipment
2.4.1. Table. At professional URPA tournaments, only the original professional armwrestling table produced by “Mazurenko Equipment” is used. The use of other tables for official matches, even as additional or side ones, is not allowed and can be punished by not including the results of the tournament in the URPA.
2.4.2. Chalk Stand. A stand suitable for chalk/rosin or stickum should be placed on either side of the table but at a suitable distance away so as not to bother referees or minor officials with the dust floating in the air or with competitors preparing for a match.
2.4.3. Staging. If raised staging is used, hosts are responsible for supplying or installing protective railing around the perimeter, to prevent competitors from accidentally falling off.
Stages should also be planned with the intent to keep non-participants away from the competition table and draw sheet table.
2.4.4. Riser platforms. URPA recommends the use of “MAZURENKO Equipment” professional platforms.
Riser platforms can be used by competitors who have a height disadvantage. Riser platforms can be used in combination with platform shoes or multiple platforms, to raise the competitor, to at least bring their waist to the table top. Competitors can use a personal riser with prior permission of the Head Referee before the start of contest.
2.4.5. Straps. When used, they will be of a standard 1” style with a plastic or metal buckle and not of velcro. The straps used byPAL will be 1” inch wide.
URPA recommends the use of “MAZURENKO Equipment” professional straps.
2.5. Uniforms
2.5.1. All participants, including athletes and officials, must be familiar with and adhere to the PAL costume code.
2.5.2. Only short sleeve or sleeveless shirts & sport pants (no jeans) allowed during competition. Very limited advertising is allowed on shirts only.
2.5.3. Shoes are required as part of the uniform and to compete in the tournament.
2.5.4. No competitor may compete out of uniform, no competitor may receive their award out of uniform. If a competitor comes on stage to compete out of uniform they will forfeit that bout.
Section 3. Referees.
3.1. In certified URPA tournaments only certified URPA referees are allowed to referee. Certified URPA referees must meet below standard;
3.1.1. Referees are to use WAF competition rules guideline.
3.1.2. Referees are to use WAF standard dress code guideline.
3.2.3. Referees must have understanding in URPA ranking system.
3.2. The tournament organizers are required to ensure the participation of a certified URPA referee in one of the following ways:
– invite a certified URPA referee with compensation of his travel expenses and pay the reward agreed with the referee privately.
– provide training for own referee, which consists of online course and test at the URPA website and practical training in the tournament by an experienced URPA referee at the tournament. After that, the local referee will receive a URPA certificate and will be able to referee the certified tournaments in the future.
3.3. Director of Referee Training.
3.3.1. Responsible for verifying the referee for physical and technical competence necessary to referee at PAL competitions.
3.3.2. Responsible for conducting a short but understandable briefing for the tournament referee before the competition.
3.3.3. Responsible for the international educational program for referees, its implementation, as well as timely information about current changes in the rules.
3.4. Competition referee.
Competition referee:
3.4.1. is responsible to wear proper PAL dress code for referees which is short sleeve black and white striped shirt, with stripes being 1″ wide, black pants, socks and shoes. Name to appear on right chest. Ranking to appear on right shoulder sleeves, 1″ up from cuff.
3.4.2. is responsible to know thoroughly PAL – URPA rules for all formats of rating matches and tournaments.
3.4.3. is responsible to conduct themselves in an unbiased and professional manner. Referees are not to congratulate individual competitors; they may congratulate both competitors on a match well done.
3.5. During the match, two referees are used: one referee at the table (the head referee of the match) and one technical or assisting referee.
3.5.1. The referee starting the match will be deemed Head referee of that particular match. Assistant referee will watch for elbow fouls at start of match and assist in assuring a fair start. After the match has started, the two referees will watch each their side for fouls or a pin.
3.5.2. If there are video cameras on the table for tracking elbow fouls, only the Head Referee of the match is at the table, and the second referee, the technical one, monitors elbow fouls through the camera monitors.
3.5.3. A technical referee must be able to work on equipment for elbow cameras, do playbacks, etc.
3.5.4. Once a referee is set at a table, he/she cannot be removed, unless for lack of competence or technical knowledge.
3.5.5. Assistant referee position at the table for better exposure of the matches:
- Assistant referee will not stand in front of the table area unless setting up the strap or the referee grip. They may stand asides from the table corner to the exterior.
- Before the match start, assistant referee will not stand with his/ her back to the public. C. Before the match start, assistant referee will show hand signs only under the pin pad level. D. The setup of the referee grip and strap match will be made with one hand from the sides of the table if possible.
- No match can start if the second referee is standing in front of the table area.
Section 4. Protocols
4.1. Rules of the Tournament
4.1.1. Athletes are called to the stage when it is their turn to compete. They will be accounted for as per draw sheet. Then the matches will begin. A specified area will be secured for the pullers who’s class is being run. The officials will send these pullers to this specified area.
4.1.2. Competition records are kept exclusively in the MSMS (Mazurenko Scoring Management System).
4.1.3. Wrist wraps, straps, elbow bandages/supports or cups, protective wraps, rings or bangles are not permitted on arms. *An arm is defined as that portion of the body starting from the shoulder and continuing on and ending at the finger tips.
4.1.4. Individuals (unless authorized by the Head referee at a table), may not approach a table to within 20 feet. Strict penalty may be enforced.
4.1.5. Poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated and it could lead up to and including being barred from the tournament.
4.1.6. No challenge matches allowed during or immediately proceeding the competition. No disruption of scheduled proceedings allowed.
4.1.7. Video judging can be limited to protests only.
– The two elbow pads must be different colors from each other.
– The size of the screen must be a minimum of 22” inches.
– The size of the pad displayed on the screen must be at least 5” inches.
– Recording equipment, must have instant replay as well as recording.
– There must be microphone communication between the monitor referees and the starting referee at the table.
– The camera angles and display must be set up to the satisfaction of the Head Referee. Section 5. Competition Rules
5.1. Double Elimination Seeding.
5.1.1. URPA tournaments are double elimination. All contestants must lose twice. No seeding prior to championships. Contestants are placed on draw sheet by luck of the draw. In some cases, with the consent of PAL and athletes, in order to increase the entertainment and fairness of the match, exceptions are possible in the order of registration of athletes.
5.2. General Guidelines
5.2.1. Contestants for each weight class will be announced and they will come to the stage to be verified against the draw sheet.
5.2.2. Contestants’ names will be called they will approach the table, shake hands with their opponent, and then take a grip.
5.2.3. Anyone with long hair will have to have their hair restrained in some fashion. Hats with brims/bills will not be allow at the table. Head wear such as religious head wear, due rags head bands and toques may be worn at the table. They cannot have any offensive or derogatory writing or symbols on them. Any long garment must be tied back as not to interfere with the match.
5.2.4. Referees are not there to use force or wrestle with you. A referee will lightly touch competitor hands and wrists to see that they are properly aligned, wrists straight and arm centered to the table top, failure to comply will result in the competitor getting warnings.
5.2.5. No breaks in contest during or between matches, unless there is equipment failure, draw sheet mistake or authorized by officials.
5.2.6. No competitor will be matched twice against the same opponent unless for place standing. 5.2.7. You can only pin your opponent on the winning side of the table.
5.3. Setting up / Start of Match
5.3.1. The grip is palm to palm, grip at thumb, thumb knuckle must be visible. Gripped hands should be level on a plain at the forefingers. Free hand will grip the hand peg provided at the table edge. This arm may or may not touch the table top. Finger nails should be trimmed so as not to injure your opponent. Stickum/ rosin/ chalk are permitted.
5.3.2. Back pressure to the extent that it pulls your opponents arm across the marked center of the table will not be allowed. This infraction will be deemed the same as a false start.
5.3.3. Shoulders will be kept square to the table. They may slope to either side before the start.
5.3.4. There will be a hand width between the shoulder and forearm of each competitor as well as between the chin and hand prior to the start.
5.3.5. The signal given by the Head Referee is “Ready…Go!” in an unspecified cadence. At the end of the match the referee will say “Stop” and indicate the winner by raising his arm towards him/her. All effort must be made by the referee that the competitors are aware the match is stopped.
5.3.6. A pin is when any part of the natural wrist line to finger tips, touches or goes below the touch pad.
5.3.7. Competitor’s legs can be wrapped around the table leg or braced against an opposite table leg prior to the start of the match, providing they are not interfering with their opponent. Feet can be off the ground during competition and legs can be moved in any fashion as long as they don’t interfere with their opponent.
5.3.8. In the event of an injury during competition, the competitor’s name will continue to be brought forward until he/she has fulfilled the two loss commitment. The match that a competitor was injured in will be regarded as a loss.
5.3.9. There is no time limit during an actual bout. However, if in the estimation of the Head Referee or a physician authorized by Organizer, that a competitor is deemed unfit to continue, the match will be stopped.
5.3.10. Competitors can start a match in strap or in referee’s grip or in referee’s grip in the strap if both agree to do this.
Section 6. Universal Words.
6.1. Each competitor should know the following words.
Ready Go | Knuckles | Elbow down | Wri st | Shoulders |
Stop | Warning | Winner | Ov er | Referee Grip |
Back | Thumb Down | Don’t move | Cent er | Coincidental |
Grip | Foul | Under | Str ap | Dangerous Position |
The word SHOULDER will be used to describe a dangerous position.
Section 7. Warnings
7.1. Any early movement with shoulders, arm, hand or fingers will be a warning unless competitors are in a referee’s grip. Then it would be a foul.
7.2. If one competitor is causing a delay “locking up” the referee will give the offender a warning.
7.3. Letting go of the peg will result in a warning being called to the offender, without stopping the match. If an advantage is gained prior to re-gripping the peg, the match will be stopped and the offender will be given a foul. Contact with the peg must be above the table.
Section 8. Fouls.
Note: Two warnings will equal one foul. Two fouls, competitor will lose that particular match. 8.1. Fouls
If competitors fail to come to the table in the timeframe allotted by organizers they will be given a loss. Their name will be dropped to its proper slot, the same as a loss in an actual bout. If they already have a loss they would drop out of the tournament for that particular weight class.
8.2. Competitor’s shoulder must not cross the “centerline” between pegs during competition. This will be a FOUL.
8.3. Competitor cannot touch any part of their body such as chin, shoulder or head. A foul will be given. 8.4. Intentionally pushing your own hand into an opponents shoulder will result in you getting a FOUL.
8.5. When a competitor starts to put themselves in a “dangerous position”, the referee will caution the competitor loudly so that the competitor understands the caution. Referee will instruct the competitor to face their competitive arm, so as to keep the hand, arm and shoulder in a straight line. Competitors must never force their shoulder inwards, ahead of their arm or hand, towards the table.
8.6. Competitors cannot drop the competing shoulder below the level of the elbow pad when in a neutral or losing position. This will be considered a dangerous position.
The neutral position defined as the starting position down to 2/3 of the way to the losing side of the table.
8.7. Any obviously intentional action that causes your opponent to get a foul will result in no foul for the opponent and you receiving the foul instead. Example obviously intentionally pushing your opponent off the back of the elbow pad.
8.8. 30 second rest is permitted after a FOUL.
8.9. Foul language, poor sportsmanship or abuse towards an official will result in a FOUL. If it continues, competitor or official will be barred from the tournament.
8.10. Any foul given when a competitor is more than 2/3 of the way down to the pad is a loss 8.11. Referee Grip.
8.11.1. Competitors have 30 seconds to “Grip Up”. If in that time, they have not gripped up, they will be given a “referee’s grip”. A referees’ grip consists of the following procedure.
8.11.2. Competitors’ hands are placed palm to palm by the referee, the thumbs are pushed down by the referee, the fingers are wrapped by the referee, first one competitor, then the other. As they are wrapped referee asks competitor if he/she wants their thumb covered or not. Thumb knuckles will be showing, forefingers level, wrists straight and arms centered. Competitors are not to move from this set up.
8.11.3. Examples of movement are fingers re-gripping, back pressure, bending wrists, early start or elbow lifting off the pad.
8.11.4. Any movement by any competitor will result in a foul being given against the one that moves.
8.12. Elbow Fouls.
8.12.1. A foul will be given when a competitor’s elbow loses contact with the elbow pad. A competitor is considered to lose contact with the pad when:
8.12.2. The elbow lifts vertically off the pad, no matter how insignificant, as long as there is clearance between the pad and the elbow. It is not considered an elbow foul if the elbow has lifted off the pad, but the competitor still has contact with the elbow pad with their triceps or their forearm.
8.12.3. An elbow foul will be called if the competitor is riding on their triceps or forearms and the elbow extends beyond any side of the elbow pad.
8.12.4. Any foul that occurs simultaneously with a foul by your opponent will be considered coincidental, the march will be stopped and restarted and no foul will be given.
8.13. Slip Outs
8.13.1. The referee will call one foul for “causing a slip out” when:
– You lift your fingers off your opponent’s hand prior to a slippage;
– You close your fingers as to make a fist inside your opponent’s hand;
– You’re in break wrist position and you pull your fingers inside your opponents hand, therefore you are unable to hold your grip.
8.14. Straps
8.14.1. Straps will be used when any match ends by way of a slip-out not resulting in a foul. A slip- out occurs when both competitors have lost complete contact with one another. The official must be certain of the circumstances preceding the actual slip out before calling a foul. If the official is uncertain as to who caused the slippage or it was caused by the actions of both competitors, then straps will be used and no foul will be given.
8.14.2. When straps are employed, the officials will ask competitors to place their elbows to the center of their respective elbow pads, place their hands palm to palm, fingers extended and thumbs up. Opposite hand will grip hand peg. In this position the strap can be quickly installed. Only the official can adjust the strap. Competitors may ask to loosen it or move it if it’s uncomfortable. The strap cannot be lower than
1″ below the natural wrist line.
The new fairer wrap will be used. The referee will always wrap the buckle side wrist first. When going around the last wrist the strap will be threaded above the strap on that wrist.
8.14.3. After the strap is installed, competitors may take their grip and place their elbow to their choice of position.
8.14.4. If a competitor intentionally slips out during the match in a losing position (losing position is determined by being more than 2/3rd of the way down to the pin pad), the competitor will lose that particular match. Any intentional slip is an automatic FOUL.
Section 9 – General Provisions
9.1. “The Unified URPA tournament rules (tournament rules) are part of the General Rules of the Unified Rating of Professional Armwrestling General Rules (General Rating Rules) and therefore, during a sporting event, the General Rating Rules have the same power as these tournament rules.
Technical Rules
Section 1
1.1 – Teams
Must be composed of Members of Country represented. If required, a team member or individual may have to produce any document demanded by WAF to establish proof of his/her nationality to so represent his/her Country. The term “team” for all intents and purpose, will mean all of the categories presented, both left and right arm, both female and male. A team trophy will be awarded, based only on total points accumulated for all categories in both genders. Teams can be broken down to determine points by gender, only to establish ranking of female and male teams from each country. Teams can be further broken down to left and right arm categories, again by gender to further establish rankings. Trophies will only be awarded in these categories if the host country wishes, but only with written permission from WAF.
1.2 – Number in a Team
Up to two competitors per Country in each right and left arm categories
This includes Senior, Masters, Grand Masters, Disabled and Youth Divisions.
1.3 – Weight Classes
Men: -55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg, 75 kg, 80 kg, 85 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, 110 kg, +110 kg.
Woman: -50 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, +90 kg.
Men: -60 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, +100 kg.
Women: -60 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, +80 kg.
Men: -70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, +100 kg.
Women: -60 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, +80 kg.
Men: -70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, +100 kg.
SUB-JUNIOR 15 YEARS RIGHT & LEFT ARM (14-15 years old)
Boys: -45 kg, 50 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg, 70+ kg
Girls: -40 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, 70 kg, 70+ kg
JUNIOR 18 YEARS RIGHT & LEFT ARM (16-18 years old)
Boys: -50 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg, 75 kg, 80 kg, +80 kg
Girls: -45 kg, 50 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg, +70 kg
YOUTH 21 YEARS RIGHT & LEFT ARM (19-21 years old)
Men: -55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg, 75 kg, 80 kg, 85 kg, 90 kg, +90 kg
Women: -50 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 70 kg, +70 kg
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Physical Impairment athletes (PID) sit-down table
Men: 55 kg, 65 kg, 75 kg, +75 kg
Women: 65 kg, +65 kg
Physical Impairment athletes (PIU) stand-up table
Men: 60 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, +90 kg
Women: 65 kg, +65 kg
Junior 23 years
Boys: 55 kg, +55 kg
Girls: 50 kg, +50 kg
Physical Impairment athletes with upper limbs impairment (PIDH) sit-down table
Men: -80 kg, +80 kg
Physical Impairment athletes with upper limbs impairment (PIUH) stand-up table
Men: -85 kg, +85 kg
Visual impairment athletes (VI) stand-up table
Men: 60 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, +100 kg
Women: 60 kg, 70 kg, +70 kg
Hearing impairment athletes (HI) stand-up table
Men: 60 kg, 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, +100 kg
Women: 60 kg, 70 kg, +70 kg
1.4 – Weigh-ins
There is no clothing allowance, therefore weigh-ins will be done in the nude if an athlete wishes to qualify for a certain weight class. (Weight has to register to zero, i.e.: if 70kg class it will have to zero to 70.0kg). Without prejudice or bias, if an athlete has artificial limbs or limb, they must weigh in with them on if they wish to compete with them on.
1.4.1 There will be no dispute regarding procedure during weigh-ins. Weigh-ins will follow registration roster by numerical order, i.e.: first team to register with WAF General Secretary, will be the first team weighed and so on. The WAF will have the right to disallow entry to any country not meeting WAF requirements or which creates disorder.
1.4.2 All weigh-ins to be done on WAF approved scales. Weigh-in will be done no sooner that 24 to 30 hours before the first day of competition start time. All participating referees are allowed to weigh-in with the Juniors & Masters before the 1st day of competition.
1.4.3 During weigh-in, an athlete may be accompanied by a team official of their own country.
1.4.4 More than one official weigh-in scale may be used
1.4.5 The Director of weigh-ins is the final authority on all weigh-in procedures.
1.4.6 A competitor may weigh-in to their normal weight or jump one weight class higher
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1.5 – Age Groups, same for both Men and Woman
Please note: Age will be determined by calendar year.
Sub Junior – 14, 15 years old
Junior 18 – 16 to 18 years old
Junior 21 – 19 – 21 years and under
Senior – any age
Masters – 40 and above
Grand Master – 50 and above
Senior Grand Master – 60 and above
• If so required by WAF, proof of age will have to be given by producing a bona fide passport or medical certificate
• If so required by WAF, proof of gender may be required under qualified medical supervision by WAF appointed physicians
• If so require by WAF, proof of disability will have to give by producing a bona fide disability card or medical certificate.
1.6 – Team Points
Team classification will be made based on the number of Gold, Silver and bronze medals. In case that two teams have the same number of gold, silver and bronze medals the position of the two will be determined by the following pointing system:
1st – 10 points 2nd – 7 points 3rd – 5 points 4th – 4 points
5th – 3 points 6th – 2 points 7th – 1 point
• WAF Minor officials are responsible for team point tabulation and break down of rankings in all categories.
• Team points will be counted individually for Senior Classes, Master Classes (Master, Grand Master & Senior Grand Master), Junior Classes (Junior 18 & Junior 21) and Disabled Classes.
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Section 2 – Equipment Specifications
2.1 Table
Sit down: 71,1 cm (28″) from floor to top of table.
Stand-up: 101,6 cm (40″) from floor to top of table.
All other specifications are identical for both sit down and stand-up tabletops.
2.2 Tabletop
91,4 cm (36″) across and 66,0 cm (26″) deep.
Legs will be 71,1 cm (28”) minimum inside leg and 45,7 cm (18”) minimum from leg to leg.
2.3 Elbow Pads
17,8 cm x 17,8 cm (7″x 7″) square shape. 5,1 cm (2″) thick, made of heavy high-quality foam material, covered with a vinyl/rexin type cover. The foam and covering can be attached to a 3,2 mm (1/8″) metal sheet, 17,8 cm x 17,8 cm (7″x 7″) with two threaded bolts 0,6 cm (1/4″) diameter x 4,4 cm (1 3/4″) long, welded to the bottom to be able and attach your elbow pads to the table top.
A line, either painted, upholstered or taped from hand grip to hand grip to establish centre of the table will always be used at WAF tournaments.
2.4 Touch Pads
25,4 cm (10″) long x 10,2 cm (4″) high. Made of good quality touch pad.
2.5 Placement
Elbow pads should be set 5,1 cm (2″) from their respective edge.
They should overlap each other by 1/2 to the right of centre for a right arm table and overlap each other by 1/2 to the left of centre for a left arm table.
2.6 Touch Pads
Should be on an angle, 12,7 cm (5″) out from the inside corner of the elbow pad to the inside corner of the pad and 1,3 cm (1/2″) from its respective edge measured to the outside corner of the pad. Running at an angle towards the hand peg it should measure 7,0 cm (2 3/4″) from the hand peg to the outside corner of the touch pad.
If it’s for a right arm table, these measurements should be made on the left side of the elbow pad and reversed if it’s a left arm table.
2.7 Hand Pegs
Should be placed midway at 33,0 cm (13″) on each edge of the table, 1″ in from the edge.
The peg itself should be 2,5 cm (1″) in diameter and 15,2 cm (6″) high form the tabletop.
2.8 Seats
They should be 45,7 cm (18″) square and 45,7 cm (18″) from floor surface to seat top surface. The front edge should be exactly in line with the table edge. The seat and table should be secured to a platform or floor.
Both competitors should sit on seats at 71,1 cm (28”) high tables.
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2.9 Material
The best material to use is square tubing although tubular steel, flat iron or angle iron may be used, but not more than 5,1 cm (2″) in diameters or width. The tabletop and seat top are normally made of 1,9 cm (3/4″) thick plywood.
The tabletop and seat may have a thin sheet of foam, covered with vinyl/ rexine type material to add a comfortable finished look. No plexi-glass or reflective tape is to be used on the tabletop or seats.
2.10 Chalk Stand
A stand suitable for chalk/rosin or stickum should be placed on either side of the table but at a suitable distance away so as not to bother referees or minor officials with the dust floating in the air or with competitors preparing for a match.
2.11 Staging
If raised staging is used, hosts are responsible for supplying or installing protective railing around the perimeter, to prevent competitors from accidentally falling off.
The staging must contain a step down of 43,2 cm (17″) to 53,3 cm (21″) with a minimum width of 100,0 cm (39,3”) for the second referee to stand down on to help lower them from obscuring the view of spectators / TV.
If the drop from the referees staging is more than 1 meter high off the ground the hosts are also responsible for supplying and installing protective railing around the perimeter to prevent competitors and officials from falling off.
Stages should also be planned with the intent to keep non-participants away from the competition table and draw sheet table.
2.12 Riser Platforms
Riser platforms can be used by competitors who have a height disadvantage. Riser platforms can be used in combination with platform shoes or multiple platforms, to raise the competitor, to at least bring their waist to the tabletop. Competitors can use a personal riser with prior permission of the Head Referee before the start of contest.
For consistency and ease of handling reasons, riser platforms will be built of 1,3 cm (1/2″) thick plywood, 10,2 cm (4″) high x 91,4 cm (36″) wide x 81,3 cm (32″) deep. They will be notched at the top part, as to fit the table legs on each their respective side, to prevent them from slipping out during competition. Approximately 7,6 cm (3″) from the top, the notches, on either side will be located.
A hand slot will be cut in the centre to facilitate the removal and installation of the riser platform.
2.13 Straps
When used, they will be of a standard 2,5 cm (1”) style with a plastic or metal buckle and not of velcro. The straps used by WAF will be 2,5 cm (1”) wide.
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2.14 Uniforms
2.14.1 All participants, including athletes and officials, must be familiar with and adhere to the WAF costume code. Each country must be identifiable and each competitor identifiable to its country.
2.14.2 Only short sleeve or sleeveless shirts & sport pants (no jeans) allowed during competition. Very limited advertising is allowed on shirts only.
2.14.3 Shoes are required as part of the uniform and to compete in the tournament.
2.14.4 No competitor may compete out of uniform, no competitor may receive their award out of uniform. If a competitor comes on stage to compete out of uniform, they will forfeit that bout. A country without uniform may request in writing before the start of the competition to the Executive Committee for a solution or leniency.
2.15 Equipment Certification
WAF Referee Panel and Continental Federations Referee Panels can certify Official Armwrestling Tables, platforms and straps following the WAF Rules. Certification will be valid at Certifier level. WAF for all championships, Continental only for continental and national championships within continent and national only at national level.
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Section 3 – Referees
3.1 Director of Referees
3.1.1 is responsible for referee assignments at and during WAF competition.
3.1.2 is responsible to supervise the referees during the competition and issue a performance report card at the end of the tournament to each participating referee.
3.1.3 is responsible to remove any referee that is deemed irresponsible or technically unfit to referee a WAF tournament.
3.1.4 is responsible to bring to the attention of the WAF executive, documented proof of a referee who is to be disciplined for unwarranted behaviour or blatant misconduct.
3.1.5 is responsible to make certain referees conform to WAF referee dress code at WAF tournaments.
3.1.6 Every WAF Master Referee should have the chance to be a candidate for the position of WAF Head Referee.
3.1.7 Is responsible to hold a Technical Referee Seminar, which all Team Captains must attend.
3.2 Director of Referee Training
3.2.1 is responsible to assure assigned referees are competent both physically and technical, to referee a WAF tournament.
3.2.2 is responsible to implement a short but comprehensive referee clinic with assigned referees prior to the competition.
3.2.3 is responsible to oversee a worldwide referee training program, implement the program and to keep current to any changes in rules
3.3 Competition Referee
3.3.1 is responsible to wear proper WAF dress code for referees which is short sleeve black and white striped shirt, with stripes being 2,5 cm (1”) wide, black pants, socks and shoes. Name to appear on right chest. Ranking to appear on right shoulder sleeves, 2,5 cm (1”) up from cuff.
3.3.2 The referee will not be allowed to wear a country flag on his/her shirt.
3.3.3 is responsible to know WAF rules thoroughly and to make certain to attend WAF clinics prior to tournaments.
3.3.4 is responsible to conduct themselves in an unbiased and professional manner. Referees are not to congratulate individual competitors; they may congratulate both competitors on a match well done.
3.3.5 a qualified referee will be allowed to referee on day that they are not pulling.
3.3.6 Referees who make two or more mistakes on applying rules, per competition, may have the rank lowered by one category.
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3.4 Stand up style Referee – Two tabletop referees will be used:
3.4.1 The referee starting the match will be deemed Head referee of that particular match. Assistant referee will watch for elbow fouls at start of match and assist in assuring a fair start. After the match has started, the two referees will watch each their side for fouls or a pin.
3.4.2 Once a referee is set at a table, he/she cannot be removed, unless for lack of competence or technical knowledge.
3.4.3 Assistant referee position at the table for better exposure of the matches.
a) Assistant referee will not stand in front of the table area unless setting up the strap or the referee grip. They may stand asides from the table corner to the exterior.
b) Before the match start, assistant referee will not stand with his/ her back to the public.
c) Before the match start, assistant referee will show hand signs only under the pin pad level.
d) The setup of the referee grip and strap match will be made with one hand from the sides of the table if possible.
e) No match can start if the second referee is standing in front of the table area.
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Section 4 – Protocols
4.1 Rules of the Tournament
4.1.1 The World Championships will always be hosted the last two weeks of September, this change will take effect in 2012.
4.1.2 Right and Left arm events will be held on separate days
4.1.3 Each weight class will be called to the stage when it comes to their turn to compete. They will be accounted for as per draw sheet. Then the matches will begin.
A specified area will be secured for the pullers who’s class is being run. The officials will send these pullers to this specified area.
4.1.4 Wrist wraps, straps, elbow bandages/supports or cups, protective wraps, rings or bangles are not permitted on arms. *An arm is defined as that portion of the body starting from the shoulder and continuing on and ending at the fingertips. Where religious rules apply, the elbow may be covered with a stretch sleeve, preferable opposite colour than the elbow-pad in order to be visible. The equipment must be approved by the Executive Board before competition (2021).
4.1.5 Individuals (unless authorized by the Head referee at a table), may not approach a table to within 20 feet. Strict penalty may be enforced. For Para-Armwrestling classes / championships If necessary a coach or helper may assist a competitor to get on stage and set them at the table, but they must leave the stage immediately after, and not return unless the Referee calls them back or declares the match over.
4.1.6 Points will be deducted from a country’s team for breach of discipline or poor sportsmanship.
4.1.7 Poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated, and it could lead up to and including being barred from the tournament.
4.1.8 No challenge matches allowed during or immediately preceding the competition. No disruption of scheduled proceedings allowed.
4.1.9 There will be a 50 € charge to hear a protest. If the protest is UPHELD the 50 € is returned. If the protest is DENIED the 50 € if kept by WAF. All protests will be handled off the stage at the secretary table, 100 € penalty for breaking this rule.
4.1.10 Semi-finals and Final matches (if played on one table) cannot be judged by referees of the same nationality with competitors. Head Referee is responsible for the implementation of this article.
4.1.11 Video judging can be limited to protests only.
When using cameras.
• The two elbow pads must be different colours from each other.
• The size of the screen must be a minimum of 55,9 cm (22”).
• The size of the pad displayed on the screen must be at least 12,7 cm (5”).
• Recording equipment, must have instant replay as well as recording.
• There must be microphone communication between the monitor referees and the starting referee at the table.
• The camera angles and display must be set up to the satisfaction of the Head Referee.
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4.1.12 Judge to admit, at all official competitions, which are held under the rules of WAF, any video data (video clip), given to them, during the examination of the protest, on condition, if on the video media (video camera, photo camera, mobile phone and others) will be a clear, undeniable image or a still frame can be made, which will show clearly the appealed situation (separation of the elbow, hand bent, shoulder touch, false start and others).
4.2 Drug Testing
4.2.1 Drug testing will be allowed in all World, International, Continental and National Championships, provided they are WAF sanctioned. Complainant will have to deposit required fees in Euro along with an official letter to be submitted to WAF chairman or standing committee on discipline.
4.2.2 If 2 athletes or more from one National Federation are found positive, 2 or more additional tests must be carried out within that National Federation team at the following championship and be paid by that National Federation.
(ex. If 2 athletes from one nation are found positive, 2 additional tests must be carried out within that nations team at the following championship and be paid by that federation).
4.3 Fines
4.3.1 Mobile phones that are switched on during competition or in Congress meetings will be charged a 10 € fine. The Host of the event will be given an exception. Air horns or any such loud instruments will not be allowed in the audience.
4.3.2 Any unauthorized competitor or official who come on stage during the event will be charged a 50 € fine.
4.3.3 Fee of 50 € will be charged to hear a protest, if your protest is upheld the 50 € is returned to the country, if the protest is denied the country loses the 50 €. The protest must happen before the next match is started on that table. All protests will be handled off the stage at the secretary table, 100 € penalty for breaking this rule.
4.3.4 Fine will be charged to competitors, coaches and spectators who use bad language towards the referees.
1st Offence 100 € 2nd Offence 200 €
3rd Offence 300 € 6-month suspension for any future offences
4.3.5 Fine of 100 € will be charged to the country member who’s nominated Team Captain does not attend the Technical Training Seminar held by Director of Referees.
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Section 5 – Competition Rules
5.1 Double Elimination Seeding
5.1.1 WAF championships will always be double elimination. All contestants must lose twice. No seeding prior to championships. Contestants are placed on draw sheet by luck of the draw. Team members from the same country will not be matched against each other on the first round if possible.
5.1.2 Each armwrestling table should have its own barcode reader, to be worn on a belt by one of the referees.
5.2 General Guidelines
5.2.1 Contestants for each weight class will be announced and they will come to the stage to be verified against the draw sheet.
5.2.2 Contestants’ names will be called and they have 60 seconds to come to the table. Failure to appear in 60 seconds, they will be given a loss. They will approach the table, shake hands with their opponent, and then take a grip.
5.2.3 Anyone with long hair will have to have their hair restrained in some fashion. Hats with brims/bills will not be allow at the table. Head wear such as religious head wear, due rags head bands and toques may be worn at the table. They cannot have any offensive or derogatory writing or symbols on them. Any long garment must be tied back as not to interfere with the match.
5.2.4 Referees are not there to use force or wrestle with you. A referee will lightly touch competitor hands and wrists to see that they are properly aligned, wrists straight and arm centered to the tabletop, failure to comply will result in the competitor getting warnings. When the referee is happy with the grip he/she will momentarily go to the start position of, using their fingers and thumbs of both hands, one to lightly touch the top finger and wrist on one side with the other checking in the same fashion the other, just before saying ready go. This is to be the standard start position.
5.2.5 No breaks in contest during or between matches, unless there is equipment failure, draw sheet mistake or authorized by officials.
5.2.6 No competitor will be matched twice against the same opponent unless for place standing.
5.2.7 The referee’s may give a disabled puller some allowances for his handicap.
5.2.8 You can only pin your opponent on the winning side of the table
5.3 Setting up / Start of Match
5.3.1 The grip is palm to palm, grip at thumb, thumb knuckle must be visible. Gripped hands should be level on a plain at the forefingers. Free hand will grip the hand peg provided at the table edge. This arm may or may not touch the tabletop. Fingernails should be trimmed so as not to injure your opponent. Stickum/ rosin/ chalk are permitted.
5.3.2 Back pressure to the extent that it pulls your opponent arm across the marked centre of the table will not be allowed. This infraction will be deemed the same as a false start.
5.2.3 Shoulders will be kept square to the table. They may slope to either side before the start.
5.2.4 There will be a hand width between the shoulder and forearm of each competitor as well as between the chin and hand prior to the start.
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5.3.1 The signal given by the Head Referee is “Ready…Go!” in an unspecified cadence. At the end of the match the referee will say “Stop” and indicate the winner by raising his arm towards him/her. All effort must be made by the referee that the competitors are aware the match is stopped.
5.3.2 A pin is when any part of the natural wrist line to fingertips, touches or goes below the touch pad.
5.3.3 Competitor’s legs can be wrapped around the table leg or braced against an opposite table leg prior to the start of the match, providing they are not interfering with their opponent. Feet can be off the ground during competition and legs can be moved in any fashion as long as they don’t interfere with their opponent.
5.3.4 In the event of an injury during competition, the competitor’s name will continue to be brought forward until he/she has fulfilled the two-loss commitment. The match that a competitor was injured in will be regarded as a loss.
5.3.5 There is no time limit during an actual bout. However, if in the estimation of the Head Referee or a WAF authorized physician, that a competitor is deemed unfit to continue, the match will be stopped.
5.3.6. Competitors can start a match in strap or in referee’s grip or in referee’s grip in the strap if both agree to do this.
5.4 Rules for Para-Armwrestling
Sit-down classes for Physically Impaired (PI) athletes
5.4.1. Sit-down classes are for people who cannot stand or who are wheelchair bound.
5.4.2 All competitors must use wheelchairs or standard chairs.
5.4.3 There is no set height restriction for a wheelchair or wheelchair with cushion, as long as it fits under the table and does not give an advantage to the competitor.
5.4.4. One part of the buttock must be in contact with the chair or cushion at all times, losing contact will result in a foul.
5.4.5. If necessary a coach or helper may assist a competitor to get on stage and set them at the table, but they must leave the stage immediately after, and not return unless the Referee calls them back or declares the match over.
5.4.6. In seated matches there must be 4 referees: 2 for the tabletop and 2 to hold chairs and watch for seated fouls.
Rules for the Hearing Impaired (HI) athletes
5.4.7 To enter the championships for the Deaf you must be registered Deaf.
5.4.8 Deaf Championships will follow the ordinary WAF Rules except for two exceptions, the set up – start procedure, and the dangerous position warning.
5.4.9 The Deaf competitors set up. The referees doing the set-up procedure will only use hand signals to the competitors and not speak to them (verbally).
5.4.10 To start the match the referee will take one hand off the competitors grip and give them a thumbs up signal for approximately one or two seconds then take their other hand off the competitors grip at the same time as removing the thumbs up signal, this action indicating the start of the match, this will replace the words “ready go” and be done in silence.
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5.4.11 Dangerous position warning. Referees do not have to give a warning for a dangerous position they may just stop the match.
Rules for the Visual Impaired (VI) athletes
5.4.12 To enter the championships for the Blind you must be registered blind. Visually impaired must wear an eye mask or blindfold.
5.4.13 Championships for the blind will follow the ordinary WAF Rules except for one exception, the dangerous position warning.
5.4.14 Dangerous position warning
Referees do not have to give a warning for a dangerous position they may just stop the match.
Section 6 – Universal Words
• Each competitor should know the following words.
Ready Go
Elbow down
Referee Grip
Thumb Down
Don’t move
Dangerous Position
• The word SHOULDER will be used to describe a dangerous position.
Section 7 – Warnings
7.1 Any early movement with shoulders, arm, hand or fingers will be a warning unless competitors are in a referee’s grip. Then it would be a foul.
7.2 If one competitor is causing a delay “locking up” the referee will give the offender
a warning.
7.3 Letting go of the peg will result in a warning being called to the offender, without
stopping the match. If an advantage is gained prior to re-gripping the peg, the match will be stopped, and the offender will be given a foul. Contact with the peg must be above the table. One armed or one hand persons do not have to grip the peg.
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Section 8 – Fouls
Note: Two warnings will equal one foul.
Two fouls, competitor will lose that particular match.
8.1 Fouls
8.1.1 If competitors fail to come to the table in the 60 seconds allotted, they will be given a loss. Their name will be dropped to its proper slot, the same as a loss in an actual bout. If they already have a loss, they will drop out of the tournament for that particular weight class.
8.1.2 Competitor’s shoulder must not cross the “centreline” between pegs during competition. This will be a FOUL.
8.1.3 Competitor cannot touch any part of their body such as chin, shoulder, or head. A foul will be given.
8.1.4 Intentionally pushing of your own hand into an opponent shoulder will result in you getting a FOUL.
8.1.5 When a competitor starts to put themselves in a “dangerous position”, the referee will caution the competitor loudly so that the competitor understands the caution. Referee will instruct the competitor to face their competitive arm, so as to keep the hand, arm and shoulder in a straight line. Competitors must never force their shoulder inwards, ahead of their arm or hand, towards the table.
8.1.6 Competitors cannot drop the competing shoulder below the level of the elbow pad when in a neutral or losing position. This will be considered a dangerous position.
The neutral position defined as the starting position down to 2/3 of the way to the losing side of the table.
8.1.7 Any obviously intentional action that causes your opponent to get a foul will result in no foul for the opponent and you receiving the foul instead. Example obviously intentionally pushing your opponent off the back of the elbow pad.
8.1.8 30 second rest is permitted after a FOUL.
8.1.9 Foul language, poor sportsmanship or abuse towards an official will result in a FOUL. If it continues, competitor or official will be barred from the tournament.
8.1.10 Any foul given when a competitor is more than 2/3 of the way down to the pad is a loss
8.2 Referee Grip
8.2.1 Competitors have 30 seconds to “Grip Up”. If in that time, they have not gripped up, they will be given a “referee’s grip”. A referees’ grip consists of the following procedure.
8.2.2 Before the referee starts the referees grip, the referee asks the competitor if he/she wants their thumb up (on top)? Or down (below their finger)? By indicating to them (with their own thumb) at the same time saying the words “up?” or “down?”.
If one competitor already has one foul the referee will inform both them and the spectators by indicating with one finger you have one foul, the referee will then indicate the start of the referees grip by putting his open hand to the centre of the table and say open hands table centre. Then the competitors hands are placed palm to palm by the referee, the thumbs are placed appropriately by the referee, the referee will say this hand first (at referees discretion) then fingers are wrapped by the referee, first one competitor, then the other. Thumb knuckles will be showing, forefingers level, wrists straight and arms centred.
Competitors are not to move from this set up, when the hands are completely closed the referee will use the standard start position that is used to start all matches in Section 5 Competition Rules 5.2 General Guidelines 5.2.4.
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8.2.3 Examples of movement are fingers re-gripping, back pressure, bending wrists, early start or elbow lifting off the pad.
8.2.4 Any movement by any competitor will result in a foul being given against the one that moves.
8.3 Elbow Fouls
8.3.1 A foul will be given when a competitor’s elbow loses contact with the elbow pad. A competitor is considered to lose contact with the pad when
8.3.2 The elbow lifts vertically off the pad, no matter how insignificant, as long as there is clearance between the pad and the elbow. It is not considered an elbow foul if the elbow has lifted off the pad, but the competitor still has contact with the elbow pad with their triceps or their forearm.
8.3.3 An elbow foul will be called if the competitor is riding on their triceps or forearms and the elbow extends beyond any side of the elbow pad.
8.3.4 Any foul that occurs simultaneously with a foul by your opponent will be considered coincidental, the march will be stopped and restarted and no foul will be given.
8.4 Slip Outs
The referee will call one foul for “causing a slip out” when:
8.4.1 You lift your fingers off your opponent’s hand prior to a slippage
8.4.2 You close your fingers as to make a fist inside your opponent’s hand
8.4.3 You’re in break wrist position and you pull your fingers inside your opponents hand, therefore you are unable to hold your grip.
8.5 Straps
8.5.1 Straps will be used when any match ends by way of a slip-out not resulting in a foul. A slip-out occurs when both competitors have lost complete contact with one another. The official must be certain of the circumstances preceding the actual slip out before calling a foul. If the official is uncertain as to who caused the slippage or it was caused by the actions of both competitors, then straps will be used and no foul will be given.
8.5.2 When straps are employed, the officials will ask competitors to place their elbows to the center of their respective elbow pads, place their hands palm to palm, fingers extended and thumbs up. Opposite hand will grip hand peg. In this position the strap can be quickly installed. Only the official can adjust the strap. Competitors may ask to loosen it or move it if it’s uncomfortable. The strap cannot be lower than 2,5 cm (1″) below the natural wrist line.
The new fairer wrap will be used. The referee will always wrap the buckle side wrist first. When going around the last wrist the strap will be threaded above the strap on that wrist.
8.5.3 After the strap is installed, competitors may take their grip and place their elbow to their choice of position.
8.5.4 If a competitor intentionally slips out during the match in a losing position (losing position is determined by being more than 2/3rd of the way down to the pin pad), the competitor will lose that particular match. Any intentional slip is an automatic FOUL.
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Section 9 – Policies
9.1 WAF Harassment Policy
A) Philosophy
The World Armwrestling Federation is committed to equality of all persons. It shall be free of any form of verbal or physical harassment including but not limited to: sexual, racial, or ethnic harassment. Where incidents of harassment occur the World Armwrestling Federation will take appropriate action up to and including revoking memberships, thereby preventing the offender from World Armwrestling Federation events.
B) Definition
Harassment is any course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought to be known, to be unwelcome by the recipient.
This may include:
– verbal slurs, abuse, threats or humiliation;
– unwelcome remarks, jokes, innuendo or taunting about a person’s physical appearance, attire, marital status, age, sex, religion, ethnic or national origin, race, family status, or disability;
– displaying offensive or derogatory pictures;
– practical jokes which cause embarrassment;
– unwelcome requests or invitations whether indirect or explicit, or intimidation;
– inappropriate physical contact such as touching, patting, pinching, or punching;
– conduct which undermines a person’s self-respect;
– leering or other gestures;
– physical assault.
In the event that the gender of a competing athlete is questioned, a medical delegate (or equivalent) of the American Armsport Association shall have the authority to take all appropriate measures for the determination of the gender of a competitor.
ARTICLE IV – MEET DIRECTORSAll meet directors must follow all rules and regulations set forth within the Constitution, By-Laws, and Amendments of the American Armsport Association as well as the following:1. Use official American Armsport Association equipment, categories and weight classes, scoresheets, and officials. Minimum of one qualified AAA referee must be hired and paid per table used. A listing of qualified referees may be obtained from AAA headquarters.
2. Must provide all official equipment necessary for hosting an event, i.e. tables, straps, chalk, plywood, drills, band aids/tape, scoresheets, etc.3. Must provide a minimum of 3 official straps if hosting a National event, 1 official strap for all other events.4. May compete in a National event.5. May not allow anyone to compete and referee in the same weight class in a sanctioned event.6. May not consume alcoholic beverages before or during a sanctioned event.7. May not conduct a state or prize money contest the week prior, of, or following a sanctioned National or International event.8. Must hire and pay a minimum of one qualified AAA referee per table used. A listing of qualified referees may be obtained from AAA headquarters.9. May run an event in a neighboring state if there is no state director. If there is a state director, contact must be made prior to setting up the event.ARTICLE XII – SECTION A – RULES FOR SANCTIONED EVENTSAll sanctioned events must abide by and adhere to all rules and regulations as set forth within the Constitution, By-Laws, and Amendments of the American Armsport Association, as well as the following:1. The minimum age required for competing at all National Championships is 16 years old. Parents must be present to sign permission or have submitted a notorized letter of release.2. All events will be double elimination competition.3. Stand up competition will use a minimum of 2 referees per table.4. Sit down competition will use a minimum of 3 referees per table.5. Luck of the draw system will be used, absolutely no seeding.6. Events may be right and left hand, masters, grandmasters and novice when available.7. Competitors may compete Novice only until winning 3 sanctioned events, with a minimum of 3 competitors in the weight class, irregardless of weight class/category or placing 1st thru 3rd at the AAA National Championships. Tournament Directors may, at their own discretion, refuse entry into a Novice division.8. AAA to allow thirty seconds total for competitors to arrive at table and attempting to grip. Competitors will receive call number one, and then call number two fifteen seconds later. Failure to be at the table gripping up within time limit will result in a loss.9. Each weight class will be run on one table only.10. Each weight class will be run until the last four competitors, 2 winners – 2 losers, remain in that class.11. The last four competitors remaining in each class will be run to 2 competitors, then finals run for all classes.12. Light men’s classes will start first, with the women’s classes run between the 85kg and the 90kg men’s classes. The exception is women’s classes will start the competition at all National Championships.13. Each weight class that starts on a given day will end on the same day, unless approved by AAA.14. No contestant will be matched twice against the same person unless it is for place, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd.15. No weight allowance will be given.16. All competitors must weigh in in order to compete during designated registration times only.17. Competitors may choose, at the time of registration, to compete in the weight class they weigh in or one weight class higher, if offered.18. Notification is to be given to any competitor being the sole entry in a weight class in order for that competitor to exercise their option to compete in the next class higher. Competing in the next higher class will result in a forfeiture of any place or winnings of the lower class.19. Competitors may not wear anything on their competing arm or hand. However, in the event of a bleeding injury, a competitor MUST stop the bleeding to the referee’s satisfaction. No more than 3 minutes will be allowed. Use of a Band-Aid or a piece of tape the size of a Band-Aid on the wound is allowed.20. Competitors may wear wedding rings on their competing hand, at the referee’s discretion.21. Referee’s decision will be final at all times.22. No referee will be allowed to officiate a weight class involving a member of his/her family or team, if another referee is available.23. Once a referee is on a table, he/she may not be replaced for any match.24. Referees will only touch competitors in case of foul or win.25. Stickum, rosin, or chalk is permitted. No ammonia/smelling salts or any other substance will be allowed in competition area or at table.26. Straps will be used if slip of grip occurs within the “neutral zone” of the table. Neutral zone is determined by using a clock as a guideline – inside 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock is neutral area.27. Round dowel rods will be used for buttock fouls in sit down competition.28. Seat belts may be used for sit down competition.29. Platform shoes or risers may be used for height compensation in stand up competition.30. Sportsmanship will prevail. Failure to comply will result in a foul or immediate barring from contest.31. Any individual(s) attempting to alter weight by not following proper weigh in conduct/procedure will be disqualified from the event.32. Without prejudice, any competitor wearing an artificial limb may not remove the limb to weigh in.ARTICLE XII – SECTION B – RULES FOR COMPETITIONAll members of the American Armsport Association at all sanctioned events must abide by and adhere to the following listed competition rules at all times.1. Competitors are allowed thirty seconds total to arrive at table. Competitors will receive call number one, then call number two fifteen seconds later. Failure to report will result in loss.2. Free hand must be in contact with the peg at all times.3. Shoulders must be square to the table before start of match.4. Competing elbow must be placed on the elbow pad at all times.5. Thumb knuckles must be showing on competing hands before start of match.6. Referee must be able to pass closed fist between biceps and forearm of competitor before start of match.7. Competing wrists must be straight before start of match.8. Gripped hands must be in center of table, in line with pegs.9. Competitors must have both feet on the floor under the table for sit down competition.10. Competitors must keep one buttock on the seat in sit down competition.11. Competitors must attempt to equal their opponent’s side and/or back pressure before start of match, if possible.12. A period of thirty seconds will be allowed to grip properly.13. Referee’s grip must be administered after thirty second time period has lapsed.14. No movement will be allowed during or immediately following administration of referee’s grip.15. Competitors may waive the thirty second time period if both agree, thereby starting the match in a referee’s grip before thirty seconds has lapsed.16. Audible signal given by referees must be “ready, go”.17. Competitors may not intentionally delay the competition, i.e. not staying at the table, not attempting to grip up, etc.18. A thirty second rest period may be permitted after a slip grip or foul upon referee’s discretion.19. Competitors must be stopped if believed to be in a dangerous position at any time during a match.20. Competitors may not use any part of the body to pin their opponent.21. Competitors may not intentionally slip grips.22. Straps will be used if slip of grip occurs within the “neutral zone” of the table. Neutral zone is determined by using a clock as a guideline – inside 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock is neutral area. Outside of neutral zone may be determined as a loss depending on hand/arm position.23. Competitors may not intentionally attempt to cause a foul for themselves after the “go”, i.e. picking up elbow.24. Competitors may not intentionally attempt to cause a foul for their opponent, i.e. shoving of elbow.ARTICLE XII – SECTION C – INFRACTION FOR COMPETITIONAll members of the American Armsport Association at all sanctioned events must abide by and adhere to the following listed infractions that will result in fouls being called at all times. ALL COMPETITORS MUST RECEIVE ANY COMBINATION OF TWO FOULS IN ORDER TO LOSE A MATCH UNLESS THE COMPETITOR IS IN THE LOSING POSITION. ONLY ONE FOUL WILL CONSTITUTE A LOSS IF COMPETITOR IS IN THE LOSING POSITION.1. Failure to maintain contact of the peg at all times.2. Failure to keep competing elbow on the elbow pad during the match.3. Failure to square shoulders after thirty second time lapse.4. Failure to straighten wrists after thirty second time lapse.5. Failure to line up in center of table after thirty second time lapse.6. Failure to keep both feet on the floor and under the table during sit down competition.7. Failure to keep one buttock on the seat during sit down competition.8. Movement of any kind during or immediately following administration of “referee grip”.9. Intentionally causing a delay in competition.10. Competing in a dangerous position.11. Use of any part of the body to pin opponent.12. Intentionally slipping grips.13. Slipping grip when their arm and hand are in the losing position. Losing position is determined when the arm is below two-thirds of the way to the pin pad and hand is not in an offensive grip.14. Intentionally attempting and/or creating or causing any foul after the “go”.15. False starts will result in a foul on second and/or third offense. First offense is a warning.16. Failure to use only stickum, rosin, or chalk while in the competition area or at the table.ARTICLE XII – SECTION D – MANNERS OF WINNING FOR COMPETITIONAll members of the American Armsport Association at all sanctioned events must abide by and adhere to the following listed manners of winning a match:1. PIN PAD TOUCHCompetitors must touch any portion of their opponent’s shoulder to fingertips on the pin pad. If competing right handed, the winning competitor must touch the opponent to the winner’s left hand side pin pad. The opposite will be for left handed competition.2. LOSS OF GRIPLoss of grip when a competitor is in a losing position will result in a foul, which will constitute a loss. Losing position will be determined by referee discretion as to arm and hand position on the table at the time of the slip.3. PARALLEL PINCompetitors must pass any portion of their opponent’s wrist to fingertips below the pin pad. If competing right handed, the winning competitor must pass the opponent below the winner’s left hand side pin pad, with the opposite for left handed competition. The exception will only be if the competitors are in the center of the table4. FOUL OUTCompetitors must receive any combination of two fouls, one foul while in the losing position, or one intentional foul.5. POOR SPORTSMANSHIPFailure to demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times will result in an immediate foul. Competitor may be removed from contest, resulting in loss of any and all matches remaining and forfeiture of any and all placement and awards.6. INTENTIONAL FOULIntentionally creating or causing any foul after the “go” will result in a loss of match.Ultimate Armwrestling League
Ultimate Match Up’s
The UAL Ultimate Match Up’s are by invitation only to “Contracted” UAL Athletes. The “Match” money for Ultimate Match Up’s range from $1000 – $10,000 per Match. We are on the look out for up and coming Pullers to Contract so attend a UAL event to be considered. Ultimate Match Up rules shall differ from below>>>
- The minimum age required for competing at all UAL Championships is 18 years old.
- UAL Tournaments will be double elimination competition, with the exception of the Ultimate Match Up’s, these are One on One best of 3 rounds .
- UAL Tournaments will use a minimum of 2 referees per table, with the exception of the Ultimate Match Up’s where we use only 1.
- UAL Tournaments will allow 60 seconds total for competitors to arrive at table and attempting to grip (30 seconds to arrive, 30 seconds to grip). Competitors will receive call number one, and then call number two thirty seconds later. Failure to be at the table gripping up within time limit will result in a loss.
- UAL Tournaments will run on several tables, with the exception of the Ultimate Match Up’s, which will take place on one table only.
- Each weight class will be run until the last four competitors, 2 winners – 2 losers, then finals run for all classes.
- No contestant will be matched twice against the same person until the finals 1st-4th. UAL Ultimate Match Up’s not included.
- No weight allowance will be given.
- All competitors must weigh in, in order to compete during designated registration times only.
- Competitors may only wear UAL approved apparel unless authorized at referee discretion.
- Competitors may not wear items on their competing hand, only at the referee’s discretion.
- Anyone with long hair will have to have their hair restrained in some fashion. Hats or bands are permitted but must be turned around backwards.
- Once a referee is on a table, he/she may not be replaced for any match.
- Only powder or liquid Caulk is permitted.
- Straps will be used if slip of grip occurs and if not determined to be an intentional slip.
- Platform shoes may be used for height compensation in stand up UAL Tournaments, platforms may be used with head referee approval.
- Sportsmanship will prevail, failure to comply will result in a foul or immediate termination from contest.
- Any individual(s) attempting to alter weight by not following proper weigh in conduct/procedure will be disqualified from the event.
- The head referee may give a disabled puller some allowances for his handicap.
- You can only pin your opponent on the winning side of the table.
- As with any sport there is an inherent risk participating in the UAL Tournaments / Ultimate Match Up’s and you must protect yourself at all times, if you feel unfit to compete in this event, you must remove yourself for the competition immediately or at referee’s discretion.
- A pin is when any part of the natural wristline to finger tips, touches or goes below the touch pad.
- At the end of the match the referee will say “Stop or Match” and indicate the winner by raising his arm towards him/her. Never stop armwrestling until referee has stopped the match.
- Referee’s decision will be final at all times.
- Competitors are allowed 60 seconds total for competitors to arrive at table and attempting to grip (30 seconds to arrive, 30 seconds to grip). Competitors will receive call number one, and then call number two thirty seconds later. Failure to be at the table gripping up within time limit will result in a loss.
- Free hand must be in contact with the peg at all times, unless authorized by head referee.
- Competing elbow must be placed on the elbow pad at all times.
- Competing elbow must not extend beyond any side of the elbow pad, if the competitor is riding on their triceps or forearm.
- Thumb knuckles must be showing on competing hands before start of match.
- Referee must be able to pass closed fist between the hand, biceps and forearm of competitors before start of the match.
- Back pressure to the extent that it pulls your opponents arm across the marked center of the table will not be allowed. This infraction will be deemed as a warning.
- Any two warnings will consist of a foul.
- Competing wrists must be straight before start of match.
- Gripped hands must be in center of table..
- A period of 30 seconds will be allowed to grip properly.
- Referee’s (set grip) grip must be administered after 30 second time period has lapsed (gripping).
- Referee’s (set grip), No movement will be allowed with elbow, wrist, arm or hand during or immediately following administration of referee’s grip, “unless advised from referee” to start the match. Thumb knuckle must be visible, 1st movement or covering of the thumb knuckle is a warning (during the closing your own hand), fouls will follow after a warning.
- Referee grip will be administered such as, 1) Competitor #1 & #2 set your elbow (hands and webbing of thumb must be center of table). 2) Competitor #1 & #2 set palm to palm (referee shall have hands on back of each hand and will insure the webbing are level and hands are centered, referee will move elbows if needed) 3) Competitor #1 close your thumb, #2 close your thumb, #1 close your hand, #2 close your hand (referee shall have hands on the back of each wrest during this setting)
- Audible signal given by referee shall be “DON’T MOVE…..GO”
- Competitors may not use any part of the body to pin their opponent.
- Competitors may not intentionally slip grips. (example: closing the hand making a fist under your opponents hand or opening your hand creating the slip)
- Straps will be used if slipping of the grip occurs and if not determined to be an intentional slip.
- Competitors may not intentionally attempt to cause a foul for their opponent, i.e. shoving of elbow.
- No coincidental fouls.
- Any foul and the match is restarted.
- You must touch any part of the natural wrist line to finger tips, or go below the touch pad to be considered a win or match.
- Any “questionable match if deemed necessary the referee may restart the match”.
- During the match the head referee can over ride a decision call based on a conference with the down side referees.
Any two fouls and the competitor loses the match or, only one foul if the competitor is in the losing position.
Note: Two warnings will equal one foul.
- Failure to maintain contact of the peg at all times after a warning.
- Failure to keep competing elbow on the elbow pad during the match.
- Failure to straighten wrists after 30 second time lapse.
- Failure to line up in center of table after 30 second time lapse.
- Movement of Elbow, Wrist, Arm or Hand during or immediately following administration of “referee grip”.
- Competitor’s shoulder must not cross the “centerline” between pegs during competition.
- False starts will result in a foul on second offense. First offense is a warning.
- Back pressure to the extent that it pulls your opponents arm across the marked center of the table will not be allowed.
- Intentionally causing a delay in competition.
- Intentionally pushing of your own hand into an opponents shoulder will result in you getting a FOUL.
- Competitor’s cannot drop the top of the competing shoulder below the table top when the competing hand is on the losing side of the table.
- Competitor cannot use any other part of the body to pin their opponent such as chin, shoulder or head.
- Competitors must never force their shoulder inwards, ahead of their arm or hand, towards the table and must protect themselves at all times.
- If a competitor intentionally slips out during the match in a losing position (losing position is determined by being more than 2/3 rd of the way down to the pin pad), the competitor will lose that particular match. Any intentional slip is an automatic FOUL example: 1) you lift your fingers off your opponent’s hand prior to a slippage 2) you close your fingers as to make a fist inside your opponent’s hand 3) you’re in break wrist position and you pull your fingers inside your opponents hand, therefore you are unable to hold your grip
- Letting go of the peg will result in a warning being called to the offender, without stopping the match. If an advantage is gained prior to re-gripping the peg, the match will be stopped and the offender will be given a foul. Contact with the peg must be above the table. One armed or one hand persons do not have to grip the peg.
Foul language, poor sportsmanship or abuse towards an official will result in a FOUL. If it continues, competitor or official will be barred from the tournament.
The Ultimate Armwrestling League LLC reserves the right to make changes to any and all rules, regulations and payouts at any time.