Official U.S. Rankings

Last Updated: 1.21.2025


1. Cody Wood 
2. Roman Gromov
3. Joseph Meranto
4. Kevin Palko
5. Yeison Vanegas
6. Cameron Williamson
7. Michael Hitt
8. Dylan Burns
9. Davit Stepanyan
10. Alex Beck
11. Otha Loving
12. Kalen Gilstrap
13. Kris Mikels
14. John “JayHey” Heynoski
15. Ivan Prakapuchuk

* Nolen Sellwood
* Derek Dobol
* Garrett Tupper

1. Justin Bishop
2. Hunter Noffz
3. Luke Kindt
4. Dalton Duncan
5. George Whitfield
6. Eli Saidov
7. Devin Bair
8. Dustin Hyatt
9. Zack Lee
10. Josh Koenig
11. Isaiah Jones
12. Colton Kimbrough
13. Geoff Boettjer
14. Sam Harris
15. Tony Weikle

* Brian Malek
* Mike Lindner
* Sam Pofcher

1. Craig Tullier
2. David Egyan
3. Artem Taranenko
4. Vrezh Sedrakyan
5. Corey Miller
6. Chad Silvers
7. Austin Tevis
8. Bob Brown 
9. Austin Wade 
10. Oleh Moisei 
11. Richard Durant
12. Michael Grimaldi
13. Zach Hayden
14. Jamie Sheldon
15. Simon Berriochoa

* Bryan Fry
* Robbie Karstendiek
* Luke Pulscher

1. Ryan Belanger
2. Brandon Ellsessor
3. Adam Wawrzynski
4. Brent Rakers
5. Roby Russell
6. Bo Oleson
7. Dan Mosier
8. Dallas Langston
9. Jason Merlo
10. Eli Brouhard
11. A.J. Henson
12. Roger Kangingham
13. Tim Tallmadge
14. Dustin Dewoody
15. Matt King

* Caleb Ricks
* Luis Alarcon
* Casey Coley

1. Todd Hutchings
2. John Brzenk
3. Marcio Barboza
4. Paul Linn
5. Jerome Loud
6. Andrei Sharkevich
7. Arsen Khachatryan
8. Jack Ceverha
9. Justin Takacs
10. Michael Bedwell
11. Jordan Sill
12. Austin McGraw
13. Ryan Carter
14. Doug Allen
15. Collin Burns

* Troy Brown
* Jonathon Breda
* Josh Eleton

1. Jerry Cadorette
2. Michael Todd
3. Dave Chaffee
4. Corey West
5. Brad Grundy
6. Austin Jaggers
7. Derek Smith
8. Tim Bresnan
9. Pavlo Derbedyenyev
10. Alex Cartwright
11. Wallace Dilley 
12. Kevin Buetts
13. Nic Stone
14. Ron Bath
15. Karl Stanley

* Shane Owens
* Chance Shaw
* Michael Coberg


1. Cody Wood
2. Roman Gromov
3. Davit Stepanyan
4. Alex Beck
5. Grant Pitcher
6. Kevin Palko
7. Garrett Tupper
8. Anatol Barsukov
9. Michael Hitt
10. Kalen Gilstrap
11. Dan Blanchard
12. Kris Mikels
13. Vadim Gherman
14. John “JayHey” Heynoski
15. Owen Genereux

* Hunter Braaton
* Leruin “Black Ice” Baldwin
* Matt Bourdon

1. Eli Saidov
2. Hunter Noffz
3. Devin Bair
4. Justin Bishop
5. Jeremy Fraley
6. Dustin Hyatt
7. Dalton Duncan
8. Sam Pofcher
9. George Whitfield
10. Josh Handeland
11. Sam Taylor
12. Josh Koenig
13. Lane Perry
14. Zack Lee
15. Jacob Winn

* Dalton Bumgardner
* Garrett Rees 
* Tony Weikle

1. Vrezh Sedrakyan
2. Paul Talbott
3. David Egyan
4. Ethan Mercer
5. Oleh Moisei
6. Artem Taranenko
7. Bryan Fry
8. Austin Tevis 
9. Austin Wade
10. Shawn Webber
11. Chad Silvers
12. Corey Miller
13. Richard Durant
14. Brian Calhoun
15. Cole Kasper

* Derrick Johnson
* Brian Laferriere
* Michael Grimaldi

1. Brent Rakers
2. Jason Merlo
3. Brandon Ellsessor
4. Ronnie Morales
5. Dallas Langston
6. Eli Brouhard
7. Max Khaperman
8. A.J. Henson
9. Alex Beziazykov
10. Dustin Dewoody
11. Caleb Ricks
12. Scott Ballinger
13. Luis Alarcon
14. Steven Logsdon
15.  Sean Hancock

* Roby Russell
* Levan Chomakhashvili
* Rakhat Kabilov

1. Jonathon Breda
2. Andrei Sharkevich
3. Daniel Price
4. Jerome Loud
5. Arsen Khachatryan
6. Daniel Worley
7. Cody Smith
8. Jack Cerveha
9. Doug Allen
10. Cory Bresnan
11. Quintin Murray 
12. Josh Eleton
13. Paul Passmore
14. Anthony Lowe
15. Gage Jordan

* Jody Williams
* Landon Anderson
* Jordan Sill

1. Pavlo Derbedyenyev
2. Corey West
3. Kody Merritt
4. Nic Stone
5. Austin Jaggers
6. Wilton Brock 
7. Wallace Dilley
8. Eric Gerlach
9. Brad Grundy
10. Robbie Topie
11. Dillon Williamson
12. Alex Cartwright
13. Karl Stanley
14. Ryan Constantino
15. Benjamin LaClair

* Travis Bagent
* Tony Thomlison
* Jon Thompson

Names in Red = Competitors at risk of being removed due to inactivity.

The Official U.S. Rankings are determined by the collective submissions of the Armfighter Rankings Committee.
Ranked athletes actively compete and reside in the United States, are listed at their most competitive weight class regardless of country of origin, and are assumed to be performing under IFA regulations.

Armfighter Rankings Committee

Josh Handeland | Alex Volteas | Sean Hancock | Corey Miller

Visit the Official U.S. Rankings Archive to view historical monthly snapshots.

World Armwrestling Rankings

Alexandros Volteas | Alper Cosar | Leonardo Melo | Constantin Mihai | Kevin Wolf | Andrew Quade

Armwrestling ELO Rating System